Manifestation Self Improvement The Law of Attraction

Beginner’s Guide to The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the universe and that allows you to attract all of your desires! Once you understand how the law works you will then have the power to create your dream life! In this post, you will find an easy-to-understand explanation of this law and 4 ways to start making it work for you!

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the universe. It is the principle that like attracts like. For example, positive attracts positive, and negative attracts negative. Therefore, what you focus on, positive or negative, attracts just that and then manifests into reality. Basically, the Law of Attraction is the universal law that allows you to manifest whatever you want. So, it is important to understand that the trick to life and receiving all your desires is using the Law in your favor.

How Do I Use The Law of Attraction?

Here are the 4 most effective techniques in order to make the Law work for you!

Be positive

For starters, fuck the negative shit and focus on the positive! It is important to understand that the principle of this law is ‘like attracts like”. This is why people who are positive always have wonderful things flowing their way and people who are negative always have shit getting thrown at them. Notice how your mind attracts the energy it emits. For this reason, you must emit positive energy and the best way to emit this is to think positively.

Here are a few tips to start thinking more positively. First, when a negative thought arises stop that shit as soon as you notice and immediately replace it with a positive thought. Second, first thing in the morning, say 5 things out loud that bring you joy. Third, every night say 10 things you are grateful for; gratitude is the strongest positive emotion you can feel so be grateful, period.


Be clear with what you want

After you have mastered a positive mindset it is time to tell the universe what you want, this is called ‘setting intentions’. Setting an intention is similar to setting a goal.

The following are a few ways to set your intentions in order for you to clearly tell the universe what you want. First and foremost, say your intentions out loud. Second, write down your intentions and keep them in a journal. Third, use pictures to symbolize your intentions and place it somewhere you can see every day, this is a called a vision board. The most important detail for all these methods is to be clear about what you desire. For example, if you want to manifest money say the exact amount and how you will receive it. Be as clear as possible!


Lastly, and this is very important, visualize your desires. It is vital to feel and believe that your desires have already manifested. The universe does not understand time it understands emotion. Therefore, when you envision and genuinely feel that your desires have manifested you are emitting a powerful energy that gives the universe enough momentum to actually bring those desires to the surface.

Set aside time every day to practice creative visualization. Begin by setting the scene. Visualize every detail such as what is around you, who is around you, where you are, what you are doing; even imagine the color of the walls, the smells, what you are wearing, etc. Then, play out your desire as if it has already taken place and is now a memory. Using details is extremely important as it completes the scene so you genuinely feel as though you are in this alternate reality.


Take Action

Jim Carey said it best, “I would visualize things coming to me. It would just make me feel better. Visualization works if you work hard. That’s the thing. You can’t just visualize and go eat a sandwich.”

Now that you have envisioned your desire it is time to make a plan to actually achieve it. A lot of people who are just starting with the Law of Attraction do not understand that you actually have to take action on your goals and dreams. 

You still have to work at what you want and put in the effort to make your dreams a reality – the Law of Attraction makes it so that the action you take is powerful and aligned. When you envision your desire to its full potential the action you take will be much more aligned and effective. Basically, the moves you make will be moves that actually get you closer to living your dream.

Final Thoughts

Keep in mind that the Law only works when you have complete belief that what you want is yours and the universe is serving you. If you have even an inkling of doubt, don’t be surprised when the universe fucks off your desires. There you have it, that is the Law of Attraction.

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1 Comment

  1. D

    May 14, 2019 at 5:28 pm

    I absolutely love your page! You’re very thorough, but make it so easy to understand. Keep up the good work! You’re so talented!

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