Why “I Am” Affirmations are so Powerful
It is time to stop affirming negativity and start affirming positivity! The words you use to talk to yourself have a tremendous impact on the way you feel and what you are able to manifest! In this post, discover why “I am” affirmations are so powerful and how to start using them now!

what are affirmations?
Simply, affirmations are phrases you say out loud or think to yourself.
In detail, affirmation defined means the act of affirming. Hence, when you say or think a phrase over and over again you are affirming that it is true. These phrases can be positive or negative. Obviously, negative affirmations make you feel shitty whereas positive affirmations make you feel amazing. For example, repeating “I am dumb” will make you feel sad whereas repeating “I am smart” will make you feel happy.
why and how affirmations work
We are about to get real scientific in this explanation of why and how affirmations work so put your thinking cap on!
First and foremost, you must understand the bundle of neurons in your brain that carries important subconscious thoughts to your conscious mind. These neurons are your Reticular Activating System (RAS).
This system filters out unnecessary information so that only the essentials make it to your conscious mind. Basically, your RAS delivers subconscious thoughts to your conscious mind. Therefore, the repetition of positive affirmations will train your RAS to filter through positivity as essential information.
Not only does the Reticular Activating System (RAS) filter essential information, it also seeks proof to validate that information. In other words, when you repeat a phrase, your RAS seeks out supporting evidence to connect to the original thought. For example, if you’re repeating “I am smart”, your RAS will recognize proof to validate that statement.
the power of “i am”…
So why are ‘I am’ affirmations so powerful? Well, ‘I am’ affirmations are so powerful because they are directly aimed at yourself. When you use the phrase ‘I am’ you are specifically directing it toward yourself instead of generalizing. Don’t get me wrong general affirmations work well but ‘I am’ affirmations work a fuck ton better. For example, the affirmation ‘I am successful’ is stronger than ‘people like me can be successful’.
‘I am’ also implies the present tense instead of the past or future. If you are familiar with the Law of Attraction then you know how important it is to speak of your desires in the present tense. This is because the universe and your mind believe that it is happening now thus things move to make your statement true.
how to use ‘i am’ affirmations
A great way to get in the habit is to say them at the same time every day multiple times a day. Say them in the morning as soon as you wake up as this also sets your intentions and vibe for the day. Repeat them again at night while you’re laying in bed. Slowly start adding different times to say/think these affirmations. For example, every time you go to the bathroom say 5 ‘I am’ affirmations. Every time you take a shower say another 10. Eventually, this will just simply be your natural thoughts without even trying.
‘i am’ affirmations
I am enough. I am smart. I am happy. I am positive. I am lucky. I am successful. I am abundant. I am healthy. I am creative. I am beautiful. I am prosperious. I am capable. I am brilliant. I am powerful. I am a goddess.
final thoughts
‘I am’ affirmations are a great way to boost yourself esteem and manifest your desires!