Personal Diary Entry Spiritual Awakening Yoga

What Motivated Me to Go on a Yogi Journey

I have always done yoga regularly but lately, I feel the need to dive deeper and achieve bigger strides – reach yogi status. My desire to satisfy this goal is intense because it is coming from a place of love and light – it is coming directly from the Divine and I accept it completely. In this diary-style post, I hope to bring positive awareness to the little hints your team of light drops to help elevate your spiritual growth and journey.

Before you continue reading, this blog entry is solely based on my personal thoughts, feelings, and intentions – this is a diary-style entry. I am writing this with the intention to promote inspiration and motivation throughout your own unique spiritual journey. In no way am I saying this is what you should do also as we owe it to ourselves to be authentic and genuine in this life; whatever that may mean for you.

My Connection With Yoga

I have always done yoga regularly but lately, I feel the need to dive in deeper and achieve bigger strides. The need to fulfill this comes from a place of truly wanting to connect with my body on a transcendent level. Since the mind, body, and soul are intertwined, keeping each aspect healthy is imperative to progress in your spiritual evolution. I feel strongly connected to yoga because it hits all three – mind, body, and soul.

Practicing yoga requires the discipline of my mind as I can’t psych myself out in the middle of a challenging pose or quit when it gets too difficult, similar to life. It encourages me to commit to improving my physical health because my body needs to be strong and fit to hold poses at length. Finally, soul, yoga forces me to find a strong connection with my higher self so I can stay strong and focus on achieving complete balance.

Poses such as tree pose, child’s pose, and downward dog to name a few make me feel so powerful because of the energy frequency they emit within my being. Yoga poses aren’t silly little positions and movements – they are calculated postures and flows that honor the Divine Feminine in the most powerful way possible, with our entire being. Yoga combines all three aspects – mind, body, and soul – and takes every fiber of my physical and emotional being on a metaphysical adventure.

I have had the best mind-altering experiences during yoga flows so I am curious to see how much more intense these adventures can be.

Snakes and Yoga

You might be a little thrown off because of that heading but it all comes full circle.

As I thought about this new goal, I kept seeing snakes…real-life snakes, on social media, as marketing messages, etc. – just a lot of snakes. Anyone who knows me personally knows that I loath snakes and find them to be the scariest creatures on the planet…but, I have been intrigued by them for the past month and I feel a shift.

I started reading Karma by Sadhguru and my team of light sent me a message. In the very first chapter, he touches on the connection between snakes, spirituality, and yoga.

“Since yogis constantly aspire to enhance their perception, the snake is a particularly important presence in the yogic tradition. The cobra is revered as the only creature that can perceive the subtle etheric dimension, even in the daytime. Yet another reason for this Vasana is the connection between the snake and the kundalini, the coiled energy that lies at the base of the human spine (which yoga consciously harnesses for spiritual development). The kundalini energy has been described as “serpent energy” because of its similarity to the snake in terms of the shared pattern of movement and stillness.”

– Karma by Sadhguru

After reading that passage, I instantly knew that my little urge is something I need to act on and accomplish to the fullest extent. Snakes were a way for my team of light to get my attention and keep it – my team of light immediately validated me and kept sending me the same sign until I put everything together to ensure I would find my way to this point.

Final Thoughts

This marks a new chapter in my spiritual journey where I will dedicate myself to becoming a yogi. I am motivated to transform my mind, body, and soul by using the powerful practice of yoga. My desire to satisfy this goal is intense because it is coming from a place of personal and spiritual growth – it is coming directly from the Divine and I accept it completely.

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