Manifestation Self Improvement Self Love & Self Care The Law of Attraction

How to Lose Weight With The Law Of Attraction

Weight loss is all about mindset so get your head in the game! In this post, learn how the Law of Attraction can help you lose weight once and for all…along with 5 methods to reach your goal weight and feel amazing!

First and foremost, what is The Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the universe. It is the principle that like attracts like. Basically, what you focus on, put your energy into, and give your attention to is what you attract and ultimately manifest.


How The Law of Attraction can help you lose weight

As with any weight loss program, it is not realistic to expect to lose a tremendous amount of weight overnight. This method involves using positive thinking to support your weight loss goal.

Here are 5 ways The Law of Attraction can help with your goal:

1. Why do you want to lose weight?

Figuring out why you want to achieve a certain goal plays a huge role in The Law of Attraction. The reason being, you must have a clear aim in mind to manifest your ultimate desire.

So why do you want to lose weight? If the answer to this is because your ex’s new partner is thinner than you then you’re starting from a place of absolute negativity.

The key to successful weight loss is a positive starting point as any goal you may set for yourself. You should want to lose weight out of self-respect and personal growth. Some positive goals are things such as: wanting to be healthy for your children and yourself, wanting to feel better in general, wanting to run a 10k, etc. No matter the starting goal, it must come from a place of pure positivity in order to be successful.

2. Love yourself

Manifesting weight loss is much easier when you develop a positive attitude with your current body, not just towards the body you want. Positive thinking for weight loss involves strengthening your self-esteem and being grateful for what you’re able to do right now.

Self-love includes the following:

  • Treat your body nicely by eating nutritious foods and allowing yourself an ample amount of sleep every night.
  • Make a list of the top ten wonderful things your body can do, including the things you may sometimes take for granted.
  • Stop comparing yourself to other people!


3. Change your relationship with food

With any weight loss program, what you feed your body is crucial and determines the majority of your weight loss journey. Start paying attention to how you feel when you’re eating and how you might be able to change what makes you feel bad.

Learn to make healthy and wholesome food choices while replacing negative food habits with positive ones. For example, when out at a restaurant only eat half your plate, choose a side salad instead of fries, or instead of binging, do your nails. By replacing negative habits with positive ones you will, in turn, feel and think positively about food.

The Law of Attraction works in your favor when you radiate positivity!

4. Creative visualization meditation

Creative visualization is a technique that requires the use of visualizing what you want and experiencing the emotions and feelings you would have if it were your reality.

Every day spend 10-15 minutes sitting in silence to imagine yourself as you desire to be. Create a clear and concise picture of yourself at the end of your weight loss journey. Then, allow the feelings of accomplishment, confidence, and health flow to you easily and effortlessly.

Creative visualization is a powerful tool when practicing The Law of Attraction!


5. Weight loss affirmations

Affirmations are phrases that we say or think repeatedly to ourselves. Affirmations can be positive or negative. Negative affirmations make us feel bad about ourselves while positive affirmations make us feel good and empowered.

  • I am strong, confident and happy with my body.
  • I am improving my physical health every day and I can see it in my body
  • Every day, I steadily lose more weight.
  • I release myself from guilt, negativity, and shame around food.
  •  I take care of my body every day.
  • There is no need to overeat as I can manage my emotions in healthy ways.
  • I feel love and gratitude towards my body for all it can do.
  • It is easy for me to lose weight and improve my health.
  • I love, accept and care for myself no matter what I look like.
  • I can do anything I set my mind too.
  • My body is losing weight right now.
  • I am growing and changing to become who I was always meant to be.
  • I deserve to feel good about myself and my body.

Say these affirmations multiple times a day while feeling the feelings you would experience if these phrases were your reality. Eventually, you will rewire your mind to think these thoughts and you will genuinely feel these things.


Final Thoughts

Any weight loss journey you begin should start with a positive and successful mindset. Use The Law of Attraction to set yourself up for weight loss success!

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