How to Use Money Affirmations to Manifest Financial Abundance
If you have been in a money rut it is most likely because YOU are getting in your own way – it is time to break that negative habit and develop a positive mindset about money! Spoiler alert: YOU HAVE TO BE ON THE SAME ENERGY FREQUENCY AS MONEY – BE A MONEY MAGNET!!! In this post, discover the 22 most POWERFUL money affirmations to manifest financial abundance, prosperity, and success!

What is the Law of Attraction?
Let’s go back to basics real quick – The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the universe. It is the principle that like attracts like; positive attracts positive, and negative attracts negative. Therefore, what you focus on, positive or negative, attracts just that then manifests into reality. Basically, the Law of Attraction is the universal law that allows you to manifest whatever you want and create the life you’ve always wanted! The trick to manifest all your goals, dreams, and desires is to use the Law in your favor; get on the same energy frequency of whatever it is you long for!!
How to Use LOA to Manifest Money
The key to using the Law of Attraction to manifest money is to get on the same energy frequency as money. Ask yourself this: How can you possibly attract a large amount of money when you constantly think about your lack of money? That’s right, you can’t! YOU HAVE TO BE ON THE SAME ENERGY FREQUENCY AS MONEY – BE A MONEY MAGNET!!! Someone who is a money magnet attracts success easily and incessantly. This is someone who doesn’t ever worry about not having enough because they know the amount of money they can access is endless.
To be a money magnet you have to feel good about money, meaning positive feelings come with the thought of abundance; feeling is the point of attraction. You must have a healthy relationship with money, this means: NOT feeling anxious or stressed when the thought of money crosses your mind, and NOT saying things along the lines of “I am broke” or “I can’t afford that”. A wonderful way to change your mindset about money is by using positive money affirmations!
What are affirmations?
Simply, affirmations are phrases you say out loud or think to yourself. In detail, affirmation defined means the act of affirming. Hence, when you say or think a phrase repeatedly, you are affirming that it is true. These phrases can be positive or negative. Obviously, negative affirmations make you feel shitty whereas positive affirmations make you feel amazing. For example, repeating “I am dumb” will make you feel sad whereas repeating “I am smart” will make you feel happy. To make it more specific to this topic, repeating “I don’t have enough money and I can’t afford what I want” makes you feel sad, stressed, and anxious; however, repeating “my bank account is endless and I can afford all I want ten-fold” will make you feel happy, abundant, and lavish! AGAIN, FEELING IS THE POINT OF ATTRACTION; FEELING IS KEY!
Why and how affirmations work?
We are about to get real scientific in this explanation of why and how affirmations work so put your thinking cap on! First and foremost, you must understand the bundle of neurons in your brain that carries important subconscious thoughts to your conscious mind. These neurons are your Reticular Activating System (RAS). This system filters out unnecessary information so that only the essentials make it to your conscious mind. Basically, your RAS delivers subconscious thoughts to your conscious mind. Therefore, the repetition of positive affirmations will train your RAS to filter through positivity as essential information.
Not only does the Reticular Activating System (RAS) filter essential information, it also seeks proof to validate that information. In other words, when you repeat a phrase, your RAS seeks out supporting evidence to connect to the original thought. For example, if you’re repeating “money comes to me abundantly in unexpected ways”, your RAS will recognize proof to validate that statement such as winning $20 off a scratcher or finding a $100 bill on the floor. Your mind will begin to highlight positive situations while dimming negative ones and because your mind will be so focused on the positive, MORE positivity will come – LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE!
How to Use Money Affirmations to Manifest Financial Abundance
The key to using affirmations is to repeat them as much as possible! Set a time every day to practice your chosen affirmations; set an alarm on your phone so you don’t forget and/or practice them first thing in the morning and last thing at night. In addition to incorporating them into your regular routine, use them to replace any negative thoughts you may have during the day; this isn’t easy at first so don’t beat yourself up or give up just try to be mindful and aware of your thoughts so you can catch yourself and correct them. Repeat positive money affirmations as much as you can to change your mindset, feeling, and relationship with money!
22 Money Affirmations
- I always have enough money.
- I attract money to me easily and effortlessly.
- I am a money magnet.
- I love money and money loves me.
- I am financially abundant.
- I am worthy of the wealth I desire.
- I am financially free.
- I am aligned with the energy of abundance.
- I accept and receive unexpected money.
- I attract money in expected and unexpected ways.
- I am generous with my money.
- The money I spend comes back to me multiplied.
- Wealth constantly flows into my life.
- I am becoming more and more prosperous every day.
- Money is energy, so money is good.
- I am the master of my wealth.
- I am receiving money-making ideas and opportunities, that I easily realize.
- My income exceeds my expenses.
- I am connected to the universal supply of money.
- I give myself permission to prosper and grow.
- Financial success belongs to me, and I accept it now.
- My life is full of opportunity and prosperity.
Final Thoughts
Practice money affirmations every day, multiple times a day to change your mindset and relationship with money…remember, it only works if YOU work it! Stay patient and positive to watch success and your bank account grow!