Meditation Mental Health Self Love & Self Care

7 INCREDIBLE Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is an INCREDIBLE mental exercise that will transform your mind, body, and soul! In this post, learn what meditation is as well as all the wonderful health and wellness benefits it offers. Including 4 simple steps to start meditating right NOW!

What is Meditation?

Simply, meditation is a mental exercise that strengthens your awareness, mindfulness, and higher consciousness. Typically, meditation is practiced to help deepen the understanding of life and its transcendent forces, however, it has numerous health benefits that contribute to your overall wellbeing.

It is important to understand that meditation is NOT meant to clear your thoughts; in fact, it is the opposite, it’s meant to control your thoughts. In order to meditate, you must focus and ponder on something. Think of the word meditation as a synonym for the word concentration. For example, in order to use mediation to reduce anxiety, you have to concentrate on calming down, finding your breath, and relaxing. Basically, focus on whatever it is you are trying to bring clarity to and let your thoughts roll in, don’t stop them…just let them happen without judgment! When you allow your thoughts to flow freely, you can begin to understand why you think/feel the way you do; every thought leads to another thought that will bring you closer and closer to understanding yourself and learning what steps to take in order to balance whatever you are meditating on.

There is no right or wrong way to meditate. A “good” meditation is different for everyone; no two people have the same experience. DO NOT make the mistake of comparing your experience with someone else’s. Stay focused on your journey and only compare to your own previous experiences.

Benefits of Meditation

1. Reduces Stress

Meditation has been scientifically proven to reduce inflammation in your body called cytokines; cytokines are natural chemicals in your body that are released when your stress hormone level increases. This has a negative impact on your sleep, it promotes depression and anxiety, increases blood pressure, and contributes to fatigue and foggy thinking.

2. Promotes Emotional Wellbeing

Regular meditation can improve self-image and positive thinking. A study found that those who meditate consistently experience fewer negative thoughts which results in positive self-image and motivation!

3. Enhances Self-Awareness

Meditation can help you achieve a stronger sense of self. You’re able to look deep within yourself and experience emotions and thoughts that allow you to discover and understand yourself in the most genuine way possible.

4. Lengthens Attention Span

Find yourself getting off task or foggy-headed? Meditation can help! It has been proven that this AMAZING mental exercise can increase the strength and endurance of your attention. Since this mental exercise requires focus, your brain will pick up that habit to keep you attentive for longer periods of time more often.

5. May help fight addictions

Meditation is a wonderful method to help fight addictions because you will uncover the reason behind dependency issues and unhealthy habits. Once you have that clarification you’re then able to focus on healing the core issue causing your addiction.

6. Improves Sleep

It is proven that regular meditation can improve sleep, decrease insomnia, and help you stay asleep longer because your mind is more controlled, your thoughts are more positive, and you are actually able to rest your mind.

7. Improves Mood

It has been proven that regular meditation can improve mood because your anxiety, stress, and depression levels lower which makes you feel more at ease, confident, and happy!

How to Meditate

Choose a peaceful environment

First, choose a place where you will not be interrupted for the duration of your meditation. Choose a place where you are comfortable and have privacy. This can be outside, in your room, in your kitchen, etc. Basically, you are looking for a quiet and private place that you feel most peaceful in and where no one will bother you.

Position yourself

Second, find a comfortable position whether that be sitting or laying down. Traditionally, meditation is done sitting but sitting isn’t always the most comfortable so laying down is okay too. Listen to your body and do what feels right.

Close your eyes

Third, close your eyes to help deepen your awareness of your breath, body, and thoughts. To further explain, keeping your eyes closed reduces visual sensory which allows your other senses to be heightened; It’s pretty hard to meditate with your eyes open as the goal is to reduce distractions.

Focus on your breath

Fourth, follow your breathing pattern. It helps to take a few deep breaths then settle into a natural breathing pattern. It is important to breathe in a way that feels right to you. After all, your body takes care of breathing so all you have to do is let your mind follow. Simply, follow your breath for a few moments. Finally, let your thoughts roll in without judgment, embrace your emotions, and let the resolution flow to you effortlessly.

Final Thoughts

The main thing to understand about meditation is that it can take a few sessions to actually control your thoughts and/or quiet your mind. If you need a little help when you’re first starting, try a guided meditation; there are plenty of apps that specialize in guided meditations or you can find a video on YouTube! Remember, it only works if you work it…10 minutes a day is all it takes!!

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