How to Create and Use a Vision Board
Using a vision board is such a simple way to amp up manifestation and make the most out of the Law of Attraction…AND they are SUPER easy to make! In this post, discover why vision boards are a powerful tool as well as how to make and use one!

What is a Vision Board?
A vision board is basically a collage of photos that represent your goals, dreams, and desires. If you’re familiar with the Law of Attraction, you may already have an idea of what a vision board is. If you aren’t familiar with the Law of Attraction, let me explain it a bit before we go on. The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the universe. It is the principle that like attracts like. For example, positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. Therefore, what you focus on, positive or negative, attracts just that then manifests into reality. Basically, the Law of Attraction is the universal law that allows you to manifest whatever you want. So, it is important to understand that the trick to life and receiving all your desires is using the Law in your favor. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE LAW OF ATTRACTION!
Okay, now that we are all on the same page about the Law of Attraction, let’s get back to vision boards! Again, a vision board is a collage of photos that represent your goals, dreams, and desires. It makes a HUGE impact when you have a visual reminder of what you’re working to manifest because when you see the imagery on a daily basis, it leads your mind to believe that that is your reality which then signals the universe to align with your reality. Think of it this way, the universe is your partner in creating the life you desire. The universe is always tapped into your thoughts, whether you like it or not, and makes those thoughts a reality. Thus, when you intend a specific thought along with the imagery, you are emitting a POWERFUL frequency that makes attraction effortless. Basically, a vision board is a tool to help you are express to the universe exactly what you want and, as a result, it aligns you with your desires effortlessly.
How to Make a Vision Board?
Making a vision board is easy – print or find photos that represent your goals, dreams, and desires! For example, if one of your goals is to make more money, you could print photos of actual money, the exact amount you desire, and/or things you would want to buy or do with this money. Bonus points if you can photoshop the amount in your bank account! If you want to manifest a successful business, you could use photos of a crowded store, a long line for the register, your dream office or storefront, etc. You can get even more creative by photoshopping the numbers on your sales sheet or balance in your company account.
Print and/or create photos that resonate with you and what you are working to manifest! Remember, the point of looking at these photos is to inspire motivation, create internal excitement, and rewire your mind to believe that you already have all the things you yearn for!
Once you have all your photos, it’s time to put those babies on a poster board! Glue or tape them on a large poster board in a way that flows best to YOU! That’s pretty much it…once you’re done put it up somewhere at your eye line AND in a place where you hang out a lot! Aren’t able to make a board and put it up on a wall?…no problem, put them in a notebook or have a dedicated photo album on your phone! I really enjoy having mine on my wall as I can’t avoid it because I pass by it multiple times a day… I did this on purpose as I want the images on my board to truly stick with me!
How to Use a Vision Board
Using a vision board is easy…just look at it and feel ALL the emotions you would feel if those images were your reality right NOW! When you truly believe you already have whatever it is you desire, that is when the universe works overtime to match your energy frequency in a tangible way!
Every day, take at least 5 minutes to visit your board…seriously, 5 minutes is all it takes so no excuses! If you want to bump it up a notch, look at your vision board while saying affirmations that connect with the goals on your board. For example, if you’re looking at your bank account with your desired dollar amount, say “My bank account is abundant. Money flows to me expectedly and unexpectedly. I love money and money loves me.” Let’s say you’re using a vision board to manifest love, while looking at photos that represent love to you, say “I am grateful to have found my soulmate. I love the relationship I am in. I have the perfect partner for me.” CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT AFFIRMATIONS!

Final Thoughts
Vision boards are easy right?!? Using a vision board is such a simple way to amp up manifestation and make the most out of the Law of Attraction! Keep in mind that a vision board is used as a way to gain momentum toward your desire and get the universe to move quicker…you still have to take action toward your goal. DREAM IT, BELIEVE IT, ACT ON IT!