Self Improvement The Law of Attraction

How and Why The Law of Attraction Works

If you are new to the Law of Attraction you are most likely wondering how and why it works. In this post, discover an easy-to-understand beginner’s guide on how and why the Law of Attraction works so you can manifest all your desires!

What is The Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the universe. It is the principle that like attracts like. For example, positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. Therefore, what you focus on, positive or negative, attracts just that then manifests into reality. Basically, the Law of Attraction is the universal law that allows you to manifest whatever you want. So, it is important to understand that the trick to life and receiving all your desires is using the Law in your favor. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE LAW OF ATTRACTION!!!

How it works

The principle of the Law of Attraction is: like attracts like.

Yes, like attracts like, just like the rule in quantum physics…get ready because I am about to get real smart. Quantum physics is a branch of science that studies the physics (properties, behavior) of small particles. In quantum physics, everything is made up of atoms which are made of particles called quanta. Quanta is energy vibrating at a certain frequency, which attracts and attaches to other quanta vibrating at the same frequency. I know that was fucking confusing so I’ll make it easy…basically, everything is energy and energy that is on the same level hooks up sooner or later.

So if everything is energy then our thoughts, feelings, and desires are all vibrating energy! The universe responds to your energy by sending you the same frequency of energy you put out. Simply put, when you emit positive energy the universe sends you more positivity; when you emit negative energy the universe sends you more negativity. When you focus on the positive more good things flow into your life with ease. The same works with negativity, when you focus on the bad more of it will flood your life.

The universe DOES NOT decide which energy frequency is better for you. The universe simply gives you more of the same; you are attracting the energy you vibrate.

Why it works

There are two main theories as to why the Law of Attraction works.

The Spiritual Explanation: Many believe that the Law of Attraction works by aligning Universe or God with our desires. We are all made of energy and that energy radiates at different frequencies, as I mentioned earlier. We can change our energy frequency to be more positive and grateful for what we already have. By using positivity and gratitude to focus on our aspirations instead of our frustrations, we change the frequency of our energy, which brings positivity into our life.

The Traditionally Scientific/Psychological Explanation: When we focus on achieving a new reality and believe it is attainable, we are drawn to taking more risks, seeing more opportunities, and opening up to new possibilities. Vise Versa, when we believe something is unrealistic, we let opportunities pass us by. When we believe we don’t deserve good things we self-sabotage. By changing our thoughts and feelings we erase the negativity cycle and create a more positive one. One thing leads to another and the direction of our lives shift to an upward ascent.

Final Thoughts

The law of attraction will completely change your life – you just have to use it to your advantage!

The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham

The New York Times best-selling authors of Ask and It Is Given and The Law of Deliberate Intent

The Law of Attraction presents the powerful basics of the original Teachings of Abraham. Within these pages, you’ll learn how all things, wanted and unwanted, are brought to you by this most powerful law of the universe (that which is like unto itself is drawn).

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The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing (Law of Attraction Book 6)

This leading-edge law of attraction book by Esther and Jerry Hicks, who present the teachings of Abraham, a group consciousness from the non-physical dimension beloved by millions , is about having a deliberate intent for manifesting whatever you want in life, while at the same time balancing your energy along the way.

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02/20/2025 04:33 am GMT

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