Chakra Gratitude Healing

Beginner’s Guide to the Heart Chakra

Having a balanced and strong heart chakra is vital for your spiritual journey! If you have been feeling lonely, ungrateful, and irritable a blocked heart chakra is most likely to blame. In this post, discover 5 ways to balance and heal this most important chakra!

What are Chakras?

First and foremost, if you aren’t familiar with chakras here is a quick explanation!

To break it down, the Sanskrit word Chakra means wheel or disk. In spirituality, this term refers to wheels of spiritual energy located throughout the body. There are seven chakra points aligned along the spine. Starting from the base of the spine and going up to the crown of the head. It is believed that chakras reflect how consciousness is divided to manage different aspects of life. For instance, each chakra emits a different energy frequency that is in direct correlation to your organ function, immune system, and emotions. Therefore, being aware and in tune with your chakras can drastically change your overall health and wellness.


The Heart Chakra

When your heart chakra is balanced you are full of love, light, compassion, and empathy. A balanced heart chakra is extremely important to achieve as this is the key to manifesting happiness, enlightenment, success, and anything else you desire! This chakra is located at the heart. It is associated with the heart, lungs, blood, and circulation. Additionally, it resonates with the color green and feelings of love, healing, and gratitude.

Characteristics of Your Heart Chakra

Love and Light

One of the main characteristics of a balanced heart chakra is being full of love and light. This is one of the most powerful energy frequencies you can be aligned with; To be full of love and light means to be kind, generous, and grateful in the most genuine way possible.


Having compassion means having the ability to recognize when something is wrong and taking action to fix it out of pure love and respect! Next time you see someone who is hungry and homeless, buy them some food or when your friend is upset hear them out and help them feel better.


When your heart chakra is open you are able to connect with your natural empathic abilities. When you’re empathic you’re fully aware of others, their pain, and what they need emotionally; you are someone who is highly receptive to the emotions of those around you to the point of feeling those emotions yourself.

How do I Open my Heart Chakra?

Creative Visualization Meditation

Creative visualization is a mindfulness exercise used to promote manifestation. This technique requires the use of visualizing what you want and experiencing the emotions and feelings you would have if it were your reality. You can use this meditation to open and balance your heart chakra by visualizing this energy point during its healing process.

First, visualize a vibrant green spinning ball of energy located at your heart. While this ball of light is active; connect with feelings of love, light, compassion, and gratitude. All the while, stay open to receiving love directly from the universe. Simply, allow those gifts to flow right into your heart’s energy source and breathe.



Simply, affirmations are phrases you say out loud or think to yourself. In detail, affirmation defined means the act of affirming; Hence, when you say or think a phrase over and over again you are affirming that it is true. Use affirmations to affirm that your heart is open, balanced, and full of love and light! Here are some of my favorite healing affirmations…

My heart space radiates powerful green light.

I live in harmony with all other beings.

I am open to give and receive love.

I am compassionate and connect with others.


Crystal Therapy

To some, crystals are just beautiful rocks and stones to look at or to decorate with. However, what many people don’t know is that they carry powerful energy and when used correctly can aid your spiritual wellbeing. Meditate with crystals that align with the heart chakra to promote healthy feelings associated with it. Some of my favorite crystals to use to balance my heart chakra are rose quartz, green aventurine, and malachite!


Eat the Right Food

What you eat has a huge impact on how you feel, this is a known fact – shitty foods are going to make you feel sluggish and drained while fresh healthy food makes you feel energized. What many people don’t know is that the food you eat also contributed to the health of your chakras. For a healthy and balanced heart chakra add in more green foods such as spinach, broccoli, avacados, cucumber, and kiwi!

Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is the emotion of being thankful, showing appreciation, and returning kindness. Being grateful is a beautiful and harmonious way to live as it attracts more love, happiness, and abundance into your life. A simple way to practice gratitude is by saying 5 things you are grateful for upon waking up and going to sleep.


Final Thoughts

The heart chakra is the most important chakra to keep healthy as all the other chakras follow the energy it is radiating. Prepare for some serious reflection and healing…I can’t lie to you all, heart chakra healing can be a little intense but it’s worth it!

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