Manifestation Self Improvement The Law of Attraction

How to Manifest Money Using The Law of Attraction

If you have been in a money rut it is most likely because you are getting in your own way – it is time to break that negative habit and develop a positive mindset about money! Spoiler alert: YOU HAVE TO BE ON THE SAME ENERGY FREQUENCY AS MONEY – BE A MONEY MAGNET!!! In this post, discover the 5 things you NEED to do to manifest success and allow abundance to flow to you with ease!

What is the Law of Attraction?

Let’s go back to basics real quick – The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the universe. It is the principle that like attracts like. For example, positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. Therefore, what you focus on, positive or negative, attracts just that then manifests into reality. Basically, the Law of Attraction is the universal law that allows you to manifest whatever the fuck you want. So it is important to understand that the trick to life and receiving all your desires is using the Law in your favor.

How to Manifest Money

The key to using the Law of Attraction to manifest money is getting on the same energy frequency as money. Ask yourself this, how can you possibly attract a large amount of money when you are constantly thinking about your lack of money? That’s right, you can’t! YOU HAVE TO BE ON THE SAME ENERGY FREQUENCY AS MONEY – BE A MONEY MAGNET!!!

Someone who is a money magnet attracts success easily and continuously. This is someone who doesn’t ever worry about not having enough because they know the amount of money they can access is endless. To be a money magnet you have to feel good about money meaning positive feelings come with the thought of abundance. Here are some ways to promote the money magnet in you!!

Creative Visualization

Creative visualization is an exercise that promotes quicker manifestation. This exercise is based on visualizing what you want while experiencing the emotions and feelings you would have as if it were your reality at that moment. Think of it this way, the universe is your partner in creating the life you desire. The universe is always tapped into your thoughts, whether you like it or not, and makes those thoughts a reality. Thus, when you intend a specific thought along with the imagery of that thought you are emitting a strong ass frequency that makes attraction effortless. Basically, when you practice creative visualization, you are expressing to the universe exactly what you want. As a result, it aligns you with your desires effortlessly.

Everyday, multiple times a day if you can, envision your bank account with your desired amount. Then, visualize how that money came to you – see yourself acting on that business venture or getting that raise at work. See it, feel it, breathe it!



Simply, affirmations are phrases you say out loud or think to yourself. In detail, affirmation defined means the act of affirming. Hence, when you say or think a phrase over and over again you are affirming that it is true. These phrases can be positive or negative. Obviously, negative affirmations make you feel shitty whereas positive affirmations make you feel amazing. For example, repeating “I am dumb” will make you feel sad whereas repeating “I am smart” will make you feel happy.

Practice positive money affirmations throughout the day – this will promote positive thoughts about money thus a positive mindset about it! You want a positive mindset about money at ALL times so that you never block the flow! Here are some of my favorites…

  • I am connected to the universal supply of money.
  • Money flows to me freely and abundantly.
  • My income increases constantly.
  • I choose to live a rich and full life.
  • I have the power to create success and build the wealth I desire.
  • Every dollar I spend comes back to me multiplied.


Vision Board

A vision board is a must-do exercise to speed up the Law of Attraction! A vision board is a visual representation of your dreams and goals.

It is super easy to make! Simply, get a poster board then print or cut out photos of the things that represent your dreams and goals. For example, if your goal is to have $1,000,000, find a photo of a bank account with this amount…better yet, take a screenshot of your actual bank account then photoshop it with your desired amount. The best way to use a vision board is by putting it up somewhere that is easily visible so that those images stick in your mind. Once you see those images 24/7 you start to believe and ultimately manifest it!


The universe doesn’t understand words, it understands feelings. When you think positive thoughts and practice creative visualization you create the feeling of positivity which the universe deciphers and delivers. Thus, if you feel genuine gratitude for the blessings you already have, the universe gives you more based on that momentum. When you feel gratitude for what you desire as if it has already come into existence that is the momentum the universe deciphers which in turn brings you what you asked for. Basically, gratitude is the most powerful positive feeling you could ever radiate! Once you are truly grateful, manifestation follows.

When you are grateful you feel as though you already have what it is you are grateful for. Be grateful for whatever amount of money you desire to open the flow of abundance and stay grateful to keep it flowing!


Take Action

Jim Carey said it best, “I would visualize things coming to me. It would just make me feel better. Visualization works if you work hard. That’s the thing. You can’t just visualize and go eat a sandwich.”

Now that you have envisioned your desire it is time to make a plan to actually achieve it. A lot of people who are just starting with the Law of Attraction do not understand that you actually have to take action on your goals and dreams. 

You still have to work at what you want and put in effort to make your dreams a reality – the Law of Attraction makes it so that the action you take is powerful and aligned. When you envision your desire to its full potential the action you take will be much more aligned and effective. Basically, the moves you make will be moves that actually get you closer to living your dream.

Take some time to plan how you will achieve your desire. Make little goals that lead to bigger goals and those goals will lead to even bigger ones! 

Final Thoughts

Practice ALL 5 of these techniques every single day to change your relationship with money…remember, it only works if you work it! Stay patient and positive and watch success grow!

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