Healing Meditation Self Love & Self Care Spiritual Awakening

10 Ways to Keep Your Vibe High

The way you feel has a direct correlation with the path that unfolds before you. Staying in high vibes is the best way to ensure that path that unfolds is filled with happiness, abundance, and success! Here are 10 easy ways to improve yourself and be in high vibration!

What it Means to be in High Vibration

Being in high vibration means being positive, productive, and fierce! It means not letting the shit life throws at you faze you in any way, shape, or form. To be in high vibration means to be full of love, light, and creativity. When you are in high vibration, your mind, body, and soul are functioning at their best!

1. Sleep Your Ass Off

Okay, don’t spend the whole day sleeping because that is just laziness not staying in high vibration. Simply, get enough sleep. The body’s hormones go wild when you don’t get adequate sleep and this makes it close to impossible to feel good! Making sure you are well-rested, energized, and ready to take on the day is a must for high vibes!

2. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

It is so important to show your body that you appreciate all it does and give it love by cleaning up your diet and keeping active. Kicking your day off by doing some light exercise and having a nutritious breakfast is a great start for a positive, balanced, and high vibe day!

This doesn’t take as much effort as you think. For example, I go on a simple 30-minute walk around my neighborhood then do 7-10 minutes of strengthening exercises. After my workout, I have a nice big green smoothie packed with spinach, berries, chia seeds, chocolate protein powder, cinnamon, and nut milk. Easy and fast! I get sunlight, exercise, and nutrients within an hour of waking up…try it!

3. Listen to Music

Music is known to lift your spirits and help keep you calm which in return keeps your vibe high and positive. The trick is to play uplifting happy music that makes you want to dance and fills your body with happiness! This is a quick way to boost your energy and uplift your nervous system!


4. Stay Hydrated

First off, water is amazing, period. If you’re feeling lethargic, unmotivated, and distressed drink water as these are the usual signs of dehydration. Water is also incredible for cleansing, not only your organs but also your energy within. For example, I like to imagine that the water I drink is cleansing any negative energy I may be absorbing throughout the day.

5. Take Breathing Breaks

A few times throughout your day, inhale a deep breath through your nose, hold in for 4 seconds, breath out through your mouth, then repeat 4 times. This relieves anxiety, reduces stress, and refreshes your mind.

6. Practice Affirmations

Simply, affirmations are phrases you say out loud or think to yourself. In detail, affirmation defined means the act of affirming. Hence, when you say or think a phrase over and over again you are affirming that it is true. These phrases can be positive or negative. Obviously, negative affirmations make you feel shitty whereas positive affirmations make you feel amazing. For example, repeating “I am dumb” will make you feel sad whereas repeating “I am smart” will make you feel happy. Say positive affirmations to stay in high vibration!

7. Practice Yoga

First and foremost, yoga is a mental, physical, and spiritual exercise. This exercise consists of low-impact physical activity such as holding postures called asanas, breathing techniques called pranayama, and meditation. The goal of yoga is to achieve complete harmony and balance with your mind, body, and soul. I practice for about 10 minutes which I feel is a reasonable amount of time and leaves no excuse to not do it!



8. Meditate

Meditation is a mental exercise that strengthens your awareness, mindfulness, and higher consciousness. Typically, meditation is practiced to help deepen the understanding of life and its transcendent forces. Meditation can also be practiced to reduce stress, relieve anxiety, and improve emotional wellbeing. Regular practice of meditation has been scientifically proven to reduce age-related memory loss, help fight addictions, improve sleep, help control pain, and decrease blood pressure.


9. Keep Healing Crystals Nearby

Healing crystals embody the elements of the Earth and the universe. They harness the energy of the Sun, the Moon, and the oceans. Therefore, these incredible stones connect us with the powerful energy of the earth and all its elements. In other words, they carry the energy of the universe because they are tangible, physical forms that contain powerful vibrations. As a result, when you connect with healing crystals and stones you are allowing their special energy to transfer to you.


10. Be Grateful

Gratitude is the emotion of being thankful, showing appreciation, and returning kindness. Being grateful is a beautiful and harmonious way to live as it attracts more love, happiness, and abundance into your life. When you are grateful it opens up your eyes and heart to acknowledge your blessings. Basically, being grateful stops negative shit from happening often.


Final Thoughts

Try to practice all 10 of these things everyday – it’s not as hard as you think! If you want to change the energy vibration you bring forth then put in a little effort…you’ll be amazing by the results!

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