3 Types of Negativity and How to Let It Go
Negativity is an ugly emotion that wreaks havoc on your life! In this post, learn about the 3 most common sources of negativity and how to let it all go so you can live a life full of happiness, abundance, and love!

What is negativity?
Simply, negativity is the expression of pessimism or criticism; those who are negative tend to be critical, disagreeable, and skeptical. Being a negative person eventually brings loneliness because most people choose to disengage from those with a bad attitude. Even engaging with negative people causes negativity to manifest within you as feelings of anxiety, frustration, and emotional drainage. Sometimes, the energy of negativity resides within you if you hold onto anger from something in your past. As I am sure you can imagine, living with negativity results in unhappiness. There are so many ways negativity can sneak into your life so always self-reflect to identify any negative energy that has attached to you and let it go.
If you’re currently in a cycle of negativity, it is time to change that and take hold of your life! Keep in mind that you have to do your part to break the cycle and continue working on it forever…I know that may seem overwhelming but this is your life and you deserve to live it to the fullest and be the happiest you can be!
3 Types of Negativity and How to Let it go
Start by pinpointing the source of negativity…this is the hardest part so I’ll help you. I’m going to ask you a series of questions to trigger the negative source so you can find where this negativity is coming from and work toward letting it go. Before you keep reading, please make sure you are in the space and mindset to, basically, open a can of worms within yourself then put in work to heal yourself…save this page then come back to it if you aren’t ready to go down that road. You can either answer these questions in your head or use these as journal prompts (CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT JOURNALING). The most important thing is, be honest with yourself and recognize your shortcomings…don’t forget that we are all human and NO ONE is perfect, life is all about changing and growing, and in order to do that you MUST improve yourself. Remember, it’s okay to make mistakes as long as you correct them. Okay, here we go:
- Do you have unhappy thoughts and negative emotions toward yourself?
- What are your negative habits?
- Do you constantly expect the worse in situations, opportunities, and people?
- Do you feel jealousy toward those who have it “better”? If so, is it someone in particular?
- Is there someone is your life causing you so much hurt that it affects you on a daily basis?
- Do you respect yourself?
It is important to know where your negativity is coming from so you can stop the cycle! Get to the root of the problem so you know how to let it go and move on. There are so many sources of negativity but the 3 most common sources are toxic people, a negative mindset, and jealousy.
Toxic People
When the negative source of your life is coming from a person, it can sometimes be hard to let this negativity go. Sometimes it’s someone in your family, your significant other, a close friend, etc. It is hard to admit when there is someone in your life causing you hurt because you know no one should control your emotions yet someone is. Pay attention to how you feel when you are around certain people and be more mindful of your emotions when you are around others.
There are three ways to handle a negative person in your life. You can try to talk to the person about how they are making you feel and what they can do to stop making you feel that way; always give someone the chance to change their negative behavior because they might not be aware of it and need someone to point it out. If this person doesn’t want to change then your other choice is to accept it and accept how they make you feel; if you choose this, try to set your boundaries with this person so that you can have some control over the situation. The last choice is to leave that person and disengage completely; when you love someone,this choice is difficult which is why you need to do some serious self-reflection and emotional digging to find out if this is the best choice for YOU!
Change Your Mindset
Many times our minds are the source of negativity. All our lives we have been conditioned to look at the glass half empty instead of the glass half full so stopping this habit can be hard. Even being around people who complain rubs off on you and can influence your mindset. A negative mindset can be as simple as complaining about little things, being ungrateful, judging others, being hard on yourself, etc. Sometimes a negative mindset goes unnoticed so be more mindful about your thoughts and try to recognize when you are stuck in a loop.
STOP negative thoughts as soon as you notice them. This seems like a pretty obvious approach but it is easier said than done. Simply, imagine a big red “STOP” sign in your mind as soon as you realize you are having a negative thought. Then, immediately replace the negative thought with a positive one. For example, if you are telling yourself “I am not good at anything”, imagine that stop sign and tell yourself, “I am successful in everything I do”. Affirmations are a wonderful tool for this method.
Stop Being Jealous of Others
Jealousy and hate are very strong emotions that the universe absorbs and returns tenfold. When you’re jealous of others all it does is create a dark cloud of negativity that festers your soul…that was a bit dramatic but I want it to stick! Jealousy and hate are the 2 most powerful negative feelings you can have, so, you can imagine just how bad having these feelings are.
Learn to be happy for others and their accomplishments…there is more than enough abundance to go around for everyone and when you hate on someone for tapping into the universe’s abundance, you are blocking your blessings. Learn to be happy for others when something positive happens in their life and watch your life fill with positivity as well. Remember, being jealous and hating on those who are living their best life is NOT going to make your life better. When you catch yourself in feelings of jealousy, say 3 things you’re grateful for to remind yourself just how lucky you are as well.
Final Thoughts
Letting go of negativity to change your mindset to a positive one is something that will change your life for the better. Remember to be patient with yourself because the shift from a negative mindset to a positive one takes time and effort…just DON’T give up!