Journaling for Beginner’s
Looking for a healthy outlet to release negative or positive thoughts, emotions, and intentions?….Try journaling! Journaling is AMAZING for your mental health and overall wellbeing. In this post, learn the basics and benefits of journaling plus 10 INCREDIBLE prompts to start journaling NOW!

A little bit about journaling…
If you have never journaled before you may be wondering what that even means, how to do it, and why so many people pick up this habit. Journaling is simply writing down your thoughts, emotions, intentions, and so on without the fear of judgment or punishment. Journaling is a very popular habit because IT WORKS! There is something about getting the words out of your brain and on paper (or on your phone) that is a HUGE relief!! Keeping a journal is meant to be private and for your eyes only so you’re encouraged to release ANYTHING and EVERYTHING!!
Most of the time, the negative thoughts and emotions we have don’t really have any meaning…it’s just the anger and frustration coming out in an unhealthy way because we can’t express our unfiltered thoughts using a healthy outlet. When you are able to unload your unfiltered thoughts you can then release the negativity that is festering within you.
Journaling is also great to release positive emotions, thoughts, and intentions! Sometimes we can not express our full and genuine happiness to others so having an alternative outlet to unload allows for more good things to keep flowing.
To journal, you can simply use a blank notebook and respond to prompts you find online or on Pinterest. You can also purchase a guided journal that has daily prompts for you to respond to. Use whatever you feel comfortable with as the most important thing is to simply be consistent!
Some benefits of journaling…
Journaling is a wonderful way to reduce, manage, and cope with anxiety, depression, and/or stress. It can also help you gain clarity on a problem, fear, and/or concern. Keeping a mood and health journal allows you to track triggers and symptoms. It can also help identify negative habits that need personal improvement as journaling promotes self-reflection.
Types of journaling…
Self-discovery. Using journaling to discover your authentic self is an excellent way to promote self-love and live your best life. To keep this type of journal, challenge yourself with thought-provoking prompts and questions that force you to dig deep within your psyche. Think of it this way, how can you learn more about yourself if you are stuck in the same thought pattern?…that’s right, you can’t! You will be surprised when your beliefs and thoughts are challenged and you will open yourself up to a new way of thinking.
Anxiety relief. Use journaling to reduce and release your anxiety and fears! Respond to prompts that encourage self-reflection so that you are better able to understand where your anxieties are coming from and how to overcome them. Most of the time, our anxiety, depression, and stress come from worrying about what will happen next; the best way to overcome those worries is by understanding that life is meant to be lived in the present. Journaling encourages you to be more mindful about what is happening NOW!
Gratitude. Journaling to express your gratitude is such a great way to promote happiness, abundance, and inner peace. When you write down all the things you’re grateful for and use prompts that encourage this type of thinking, you are able to gain clarity and discover all the wonderful things in your life which attract more to be grateful for!
Free write. Free writing is simply writing whatever comes to your mind, just write. This type of journal isn’t structured, does not require any prompts, and does not follow an outline. Literally, just write; write down whatever is on your mind and let your thoughts flow…it is okay if you are all over the place!
10 journaling prompts
- What is your favorite thing about your personality?
- What bothered you today and how could you have made it better?
- List 5 things you are grateful for and why.
- What does your dream life look like?
- What holds you back from your goals?
- What is something that is missing from your life?
- Who is someone you need to forgive?
- What do you like doing when you need to recharge?
- How can you love yourself moe?
- What feelings would you have if you were currently living your dream life?
Final thoughts
The most important thing to remember when journaling is that NO ONE will look at what you write so just dump everything! Let your thoughts come as they may and don’t judge yourself! Do not be discouraged if at first your thoughts are on the darker more negative side…remember, you can’t reach the good without experiencing some bad! Those unfiltered thoughts need to be released one way or another before they grow and become something real within you; journaling is the best outlet for this as you can unload without worrying that people will hold it against you.