7 Yoga Poses for Anxiety and Stress Relief
Living with anxiety, depression, and stress is something many of us know all too well but relief from those negative feelings is not as well know. In this post, discover 7 yoga poses that promote anxiety, depression, and stress relief!
what is yoga?
First and foremost, yoga is a mental, physical, and spiritual exercise. This exercise consists of low-impact physical activity such as holding postures called asanas, breathing techniques called pranayama, and meditation. The goal of yoga is to achieve complete harmony and balance with your mind, body, and soul.
Yoga has been proven to significantly reduce and/or relieve anxiety, depression, and stress. Here are 7 poses to keep you zen as fuck when the world around you is working your last nerve.
1. butterfly pose
Butterfly Pose or Baddha Konasana is an easy posture that promotes grounding and encourages inner reflection. This is pose is perfect when you are feeling anxious as it also helps you achieve a meditative state.
how To do butterfly pose
- Come to a seated position and bring your feet together. Keep your spine tall and abs pulled in tight.
- Hold each foot with your hands and place your elbows against your inner thighs.
- Keeping your spine long and inhale deeply. As you exhale, slowly lower your torso forward pausing when you feel the stretch. Hold for 30 seconds or more.
2. bridge pose
Bridge Pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana is believed by Yogis to open your heart chakra which promotes focus and clear thinking. This is an inversion pose which is known to be helpful for those suffering from anxiety.
how to do bridge pose
- Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Extend your arms and place your palms flat on the floor.
- Press your feet and arms into the floor. Exhale as you lift your hips toward the ceiling and keep your booty off the floor. Do not squeeze your glutes or flex your buttocks. Keep your thighs and feet parallel. Press your weight evenly across all four corners of both feet.
- Hold for up to one minute. Exhale as you slowly bring yourself down.
3. legs-up-the-wall pose
Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose or Viparita Karani is a powerful pose that promotes calm after a stressful ass day. This pose also gives you the same physical benefits as a back bend as it is extremely rejuvenating.
how to do legs-up-the-wall pose
- Begin by sitting with your left side against the wall.
- Turn your body to the left and bring your legs up onto the wall.
- Lower your back to the floor and lie down, resting your shoulders and head on the floor. Scoot your booty close to the wall. Let your arms rest open at your sides, palms facing up.
- Hold for 5-10 minutes. Close your eyes and breathe with awareness.
- To release, slowly push yourself away from the wall and slide your legs down to the right side. Use your hands to help press yourself back up into a seated position.
4. child’s pose
Child’s Pose or Balasana is a popular pose for stress and anxiety as it gives you a sense of grounding, calm, and stability.
how to do child’s pose
- Begin on your hands and knees. Spread your knees wide apart while keeping your big toes touching. Those with very tight hips can keep their knees and thighs together. Sit up straight to lengthen your spine.
- On an exhalation, bow forward, draping your torso between your thighs. Your heart and chest should rest between or on top of your thighs. Allow your forehead to come to the floor.
- Keep your arms long and extended and your palms facing down. Press back slightly with your hands to keep your butt touching your heels. Lengthen from your hips to your armpits, and then extend even further through your fingertips.
- Let your upper back broaden. Soften and relax your lower back. Allow all tension in your shoulders, arms, and neck to drain away.
- Hold for up to a minute or longer and remember to breathe.
5. standing forward bend
Standing Forward Bend or Uttanasana is a great pose that has physical and mental health benefits. This pose helps open your neck and lower back while reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.
how to do standing forward bend
- Stand with your feet together. Bend your knees slightly and fold your torso over your legs, moving from the hips, not the lower back.
- Place your hands next to your feet or on the ground in front of you.
- Inhale and extend your chest to lengthen your spine. Keep your gaze directed forward. Exhale and gently press both legs straight. Lift the kneecaps and gently spiral your upper, inner thighs back. Keep your legs straight without hyperextending.
- On an exhalation, extend your torso down without rounding your back. Stay long throughout your neck, extending the crown of your head toward the ground. Draw your shoulders down your back. Hold for 30 seconds or more
- Slowly bring yourself up, vertebrae by vertebrae.
6. tree pose
Tree Pose or Vriksasana helps switch off a busy mind as it requires your full attention for balance. This pose is proven to release the “happy chemical” (serotonin) in your brain!
how to do tree pose
- Begin standing straight with your arms at your sides.
- Shift your weight to your left foot. Bend your right knee, then reach down and clasp your right inner ankle. Use your hand to draw your right foot alongside your inner left thigh. Do not rest your foot against your knee, only above or below it. Adjust your position so the center of your pelvis is directly over your left foot. Then, adjust your hips so your right hip and left hip are aligned.
- Press your palms together in prayer position at your chest, with your thumbs resting on your sternum. Inhale as you extend your arms overhead, reaching your fingertips to the sky. Rotate your palms inward to face each other. If your shoulders are more flexible, you can press your palms together in prayer position, overhead.
- Hold for up to one minute. Repeat for the same amount of time on the opposite side.
7. seated forward bend
Seated forward bend or Paschimottanasana is thought to calm the mind while relieving anxiety.
how to do seated forward bend
- Sit on the edge of a folded blanket or cushion with your legs straight out in front of you. You may keep a slight bend in your knees.
- Inhale to lift up your arms.
- Slowly hinge at your hips to extend forward, resting your hands anywhere on your body or the floor.
- Remain in this pose for up to 5 minutes. Slowly lift yourself back up, vertebrae by vertebrae.
final thoughts
Remember that these yoga poses may be challenging when you are just beginning but the more you do it the easier it gets. Also, I know anxiety, depression, and stress can be very controlling conditions but with a strong desire to heal yourself, you can destroy those negative thoughts and feelings.
Here are some other methods of relief to use in addition to yoga:
3 Meditations that Relieve Anxiety
How to Relieve Anxiety with Affirmations and Breathing Techniques
5 Ways To Get Out of a Negative Mindset