7 POWERFUL And Easy Grounding Techniques
You know those moments when you just don’t feel like yourself but you can’t quite figure out why? This is most likely because you are not properly centered or grounded. In this post, discover the importance of grounding along with 7 powerful yet easy techniques to do it!

What is grounding and why is it important?
Simply put, the spiritual term grounding refers to energetically connecting to the earth so that you feel safe and at ease. In detail, grounding is a technique that guides the connection and alignment between yourself and mother nature to bring you a sense of safety and calm. Being properly grounded increases your mental, physical and emotional health…safe to say, grounding is pretty important for your overall wellbeing.
When you’re centered, you are one with the earth and all the positivity it has to offer which brings you a sense of zen, strength, and comfort. When you are grounded you feel safe and secure because you know with every ounce of your being that EVERYTHING IS okay and NOTHING can change your inner peace! A neutral state in terms of spirituality means that nothing can affect your energy force because you are in control of your inner energy frequency.
If you have been feeling anxious, unmotivated, and lazy this could be because you are not properly grounded. Getting grounded isn’t hard at all…try these simple yet powerful techniques to get grounded and find your inner strength!
Earthing is an extremely easy and effective method to use, especially if you’re beginning your grounding journey. To achieve grounding with this method, simply, step outside barefoot (preferably on grass or something natural…NOT concrete) and physically be with mother earth herself. In fact, connecting with the earth this way has the ability to bring you back to a balanced and neutral state with ease. To get a little more scientific, the earth’s surface contains negative ions that make their way into your body and release free radicals that have been accumulating, essentially, it is helping to detox your body from bad energy to bring you back to a neutral and aligned state.
How to Earth: simply step outside barefoot onto nature such as a park, forest (just don’t get lost!), or your backyard! Next, enjoy the fresh air in your lungs. Then, embrace the dirt, grass, and leaves beneath your feet or surrounding your body (if you’re laying down). Lastly, just be. Be with mother earth fully. Acknowledge her beauty in every sense…how she feels, smells, looks…have a non-sexual (or whatever floats your boat, no judgment here as long as you’re not hurting anyone) intimate moment with mother earth; be one with her. Allow yourself to connect and align with the earth’s energy.
Be a Tree
Yes, a tree. I know this technique seems weird but it is a wonderful way to connect with the Earth. Doing this sends out a powerful energy frequency that you are part of the earth. When you practice this technique, you have to connect with the earth’s energy frequency in an intense way as you must envision yourself as a literal tree that is rooted deep into the earth.
How to be a tree: to start, take a deep breath and clear your mind. Next, imagine roots coming out from the bottom of your feet and/or your root chakra (CLICK HERE FOR MORE ON CHAKRAS). Now, envision those roots growing deep into the earth (it helps to be outside for this one but I have had success laying in bed while doing this) and the energy frequency from the earth is flowing into you…think of the roots as an energetic transporter. Finally, connect with feelings that you and Mother Earth are one. Remain in this state of mind until you feel an unbreakable connection. Remember, to come out of this mindset slowly as this can be a powerful experience.
Focus on Your Root Chaka
If you are not familiar with chakras, let’s get a little familiar with them before we move on to this technique! To break it down, the Sanskrit word Chakra means wheel or disk. In spirituality, this term refers to wheels of spiritual energy located throughout the body. There are seven chakra points aligned along the spine. Starting from the base of the spine and going up to the crown of the head. It is believed that chakras reflect how consciousness is divided to manage different aspects of life. For instance, each chakra emits a different energy frequency that is in direct correlation to your organ function, immune system, and emotions. Therefore, being aware and in tune with your chakras can drastically change your overall health and wellness.
The first chakra, the root or Muladhara, is located at the base of your spine. This chakra is associated with the color red and the element of earth. This chakra is responsible for the energy frequency of grounding, security, and fearlessness! Having a balanced and opened root chakra will completely transform how you carry yourself and how the universe connects with you!
How to open your root chakra: Meditate on your root chakra by simply concentrating on it and visualize a red swirling ball of energy at the base of your spine. At the same time focus on filling that ball with feelings of grounding, security, and balance! Easy right?!? CLICK TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE ROOT CHAKRA!
Practice Yoga
First and foremost, yoga is a mental, physical, and spiritual exercise. This exercise consists of low-impact physical activity such as holding postures called asanas, breathing techniques called pranayama, and meditation. The goal of yoga is to achieve complete harmony and balance with your mind, body, and soul. Yoga has been proven to significantly reduce and/or relieve anxiety, depression, and stress. Yoga has a very special way of bringing you back in alignment as it forces you to connect with your breath with every changing position.
My favorite yoga apps
Yoga for Beginners | Mind+Body – This is by far my favorite app as it is perfect for beginners and quick sessions. It offers different sequences that focus on different areas of the body and types of relaxation. Hands down- best app for beginners!
Yoga for Beginners | Down Dog – This app is awesome as it focuses on following your breath during the session. This is a great app for beginners who would like to track and build their progress. Essentially, the more you practice the more levels and sessions you unlock.
Lotus | Yoga and Meditation – This app offers over 500 different sessions for different levels and time limitations. This is a great app for those who want to practice a new sequence regularly and expand their practice.
Simply, affirmations are phrases you say out loud or think to yourself; affirmation defined means the act of affirming. Hence, when you say or think a phrase over and over again you are affirming that it is true. First and foremost, you must understand the bundle of neurons in your brain that carries important subconscious thoughts to your conscious mind. These neurons are your Reticular Activating System (RAS). This system filters out unnecessary information so that only the essentials make it to your conscious mind. Basically, your RAS delivers subconscious thoughts to your conscious mind. Therefore, the repetition of positive affirmations will train your RAS to filter through positivity as essential information. Not only does the Reticular Activating System (RAS) filter essential information, it also seeks proof to validate that information. In other words, when you repeat a phrase, your RAS seeks out supporting evidence to connect to the original thought. For example, if you’re repeating “I am smart”, your RAS will recognize proof to validate that statement.
Repeating grounding affirmations is an easy way to rebalance…and comes in handy when you’re not able to do any of the other techniques. Plus, you can do this throughout the day as you only need your mind!
Affirmations for Grounding
- I am rooted into the earth, grounded and secure in the knowledge that all my needs are met.
- I can center myself with the ease of my breath.
- Today, I stand firm, believing in who I am and what I am doing.
- I am present within myself.
- Today, I know that I am right where I need to be.
- I feel grounded, confident, worthy, and whole.
Drink Tea
That’s right, your daily cup of tea can drastically change your energy frequency to keep you grounded. Think about it, tea is herbs and spices that come directly from mother nature herself! The key is to use tea blends, herbs, and spices that are earthy such as licorice, ginger, cinnamon, fennel, coriander, etc.
Take a little moment each day to brew yourself a nice hot cup of tea then take your time to enjoy it fully!
Grounding Tea Combinations
- licorice, ginger and cinnamon
- fennel seeds, coriander and cardamom
- clove, cardamom and cinnamon.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Technique
This technique will take you through your five senses to bring you back to yourself. You can use this method whenever you are overwhelmed, anxious, or dissociated with your environment. When you achieve a calm mental state you are opening up your energy frequency so that you can absorb the grounding energy of the earth.
5 – LOOK: Look around for 5 things that you can see, and say them out loud. For example, I see a tree, I see a dog, I see the rocks, I see a flower, and I see the clouds.
4 – FEEL: Pay attention to your body and say out loud 4 things that you feel. For example, I feel my feet warm in my socks, I feel the wind blowing on my face, I feel the grass on my feet, and I feel the texture of the flower in my hand.
3 – LISTEN: Listen for 3 sounds and say them out loud. For example, I hear the birds chirping, I hear dogs barking, and I hear the leaves rustling.
2 – SMELL: Say two things you can smell. If you can’t smell anything at that moment, then name your 2 favorite smells. For example, I smell roses and I smell cookies.
1 – TASTE: Say one thing you can taste. If you can’t taste anything, then say your favorite thing to taste. I taste chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.
Final Thoughts
Practice at least one of these techniques daily to ALWAYS be aligned, connected, and secure within yourself!