Divination Tarot Wicca

4 EASY Ways to Cleanse Your Tarot Deck

Are your tarot readings unclear or totally off base? This may be because you’re not cleansing your deck on a regular basis…yes, tarot cards are supposed to be cleansed! The energy frequency connected to the cards is communicating with you so if you’re reading your friend’s cards but you did a reading on yourself last, chances are that your energy frequency is attached to the deck, not your friend’s frequency. This is why a quick energy cleanse before each reading makes a HUGE difference! In this post, learn 4 EASY yet POWERFUL ways to cleanse your tarot deck.

What is Tarot?

Tarot is a deck of 78 cards, each with its own image, symbol, and story. Tarot cards open a line of communication with the divine or your higher self to deliver advice or help solve a problem.

How does Tarot work?

Contrary to popular belief, tarot cards can NOT tell you the future because you always have the power to create it yourself. Instead, the cards present you with direction, awareness, and potential scenarios to help guide you in the right direction.

Each card symbolizes a person, place, or event connected to spiritual lessons you will face in your life. Think of the tarot as a way to connect with your higher self in order to guide you in the right direction. Basically, reading your cards is a way to tap into your own wisdom and intuition leading you to more powerful manifestations and positive changes. CLICK TO LEARN MORE ABOUT TAROT!

Why You Need to Cleanse Your Deck

It’s important to remember that the energy force connected to the deck is what’s communicating with you so ensuring your cards are aligned with the correct frequency is key to successful and accurate readings. For example, if you’re doing a reading for someone, you must make sure that their energy force and spirit guides are attached to the deck. It’s EXTREMELY important to clear your deck before each reading to ensure the right energy force is aligned with your deck.

Ways to Cleanse Your Tarot Deck

1. Smudging

The term smudging refers to burning herbs and plants. The idea is that the smoke from the herbs and plants attaches itself to negative energy. As the smoke clears it takes the negative energy with it, releasing it into another space where it will be regenerated into positive energy.

First, choose which herb or plant you want to burn. Sage, palo santo, lavender, and rosemary are most commonly used for smudging.

Sage clears all energy, negative and positive which creates a clean slate to fill with positive energy and intentions.

Palo Santo is wonderful for purifying and bringing in positive thoughts, energies, and intentions. Tip: Perfect to use to renew positivity after a sage cleansing.

Lavender is best used for psychic protection, happiness, healing, and tranquility.

Rosemary is a powerful cleanser for your home and aura.

Next, lite an end on fire of your chosen herb(s). Let it smoke while letting the smoke drift over, under, and all around your cards. If you don’t have or can’t use the pure form of the plant/herb, you can usually find the incense stick form of it for a quick smoke cleanse.

2. Crystals

Crystals hold powerful energy that is known to heal. What many people do not know is that crystals can also cleanse by absorbing negative energy. Selenite is a VERY popular choice for cleansing because it embodies pure cleansing energy which makes it a tremendously powerful energy cleanser. Some other crystals that work are smokey quartz, obsidian, and tourmaline quartz.

Simply spread out your deck and run your chosen crystal across your cards until you feel the cards are properly cleansed.

3. Under The Full Moon

The full moon is the best time to cleanse thoughts, feelings, and intentions that do not serve a positive purpose. The light of the full moon illuminates what is interfering with your spiritual advancement and helps clear it away – the cleansing energy of this phase also works with tarot cards, crystals, and any other spiritual tools. The light of the full moon purifies the tarot’s energy vibration making it more powerful to help you process, heal, and let go.

Simply, expose your deck to the moonlight as it rises and allow the moon to do its thing till the night is done. In the morning, your cards will be cleared, charged, and ready to use.

4. Sound Bath / Singing Bowl

A sound bath is a meditative experience where you are “bathed” in sound waves. Sound waves are produced by various healing instruments such as singing bowls, gongs, chimes, rattles, and even the human voice itself. The idea is that the musical frequency and vibration clears and opens blocked and negative energy.

This is a very easy method as you just have to sit with your cards and let the sound waves do their thing. I have a little travel singing bowl that I play for a few minutes every day to cleanse myself and my spiritual tools in one go.

Final Thoughts

There are so many ways to cleanse your deck so do what resonates best for you!

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