3 Witchy Self-Care Rituals
To be in tune with the universe you must be in tune with yourself – to be in tune with yourself IS practicing your craft! Your mind, body, and soul are intertwined so keeping all 3 balanced and aligned is the only way to harness your inner power. The best way to honor and tend to your mind, body, and soul is by regularly practicing self-care. In this post, learn 3 simple yet POWERFUL witchy self-care rituals to heal and nurture your overall well-being!

What does it mean to be a witch?
First and foremost, the term ‘witch’ carries a negative connotation and has for a very long time. Generally, witches can be defined in three ways: someone who practices rituals or spells, someone who is a psychic medium or a tarot reader, or someone who worships the Pagan gods. Most commonly, witches simply hone in on the power and energy of the universe to manifest their goals and desires.
Witchcraft is peaceful and is not meant to cause harm to anyone. In fact, true witchcraft is about using powerful and positive energy to create positive outcomes. Witchcraft often includes the lighting of candles, meditation, yoga, incense, smudging, crystals, dream analysis, and other rituals.
To be a witch means you are in tune with the universe and the energy it has to offer. This means you are able to harness the powerful energy the universe naturally emits and use it in your favor. Energy comes from many different sources and as a witch, you would be open to receiving that energy. These energy sources can come from crystals, flowers, herbs, candles, etc.
Being a witch also means you keep the cycle of giving and receiving in balance. It’s about helping others while spreading positivity, love, and peace. Witches have a beautiful way of living in harmony will ALL beings.
Most importantly, being a witch means being who you are and not apologizing for it.
Witchcraft and Self-Care
To be in tune with the universe you must be in tune with yourself – to be in tune with yourself IS practicing your craft! Your mind, body, and soul are intertwined so keeping all 3 balanced and aligned is the only way to harness your inner power. The best way to honor and tend to your mind, body, and soul is by regularly practicing self-care. Self-care is any activity that you consciously do in order to take care of your overall well-being.
You need to recharge your light and nourish your heart in order to spread love and light to everyone and everything around you – THAT is witchcraft. Practicing self-care is never selfish because when you are authentically happy that happiness spreads to others. That happiness IS power – it IS your craft!
Use these 3 simple yet POWERFUL spells that promote self-care and get the witchy vibes flowing!
Stress-Release Potion
- a piece of light blue paper
- dark blue pen
- lavender essential oil
- chamomile tea
- glass bottle
- sea salt
On the paper, write a word that represents peace and relaxation to you, such as calm or tranquility. Brew a cup of chamomile tea. Let the tea cool then transfer it to the glass bottle. Add 3 drops of lavender oil and a teaspoon of sea salt. Place the piece of paper on a window seal where it will catch the moonlight then place the bottle on top. Leave it overnight to allow the vibrations of your chosen word to infuse themselves into the tea. The next day, add this potion to a hot bath and relax.
Pink Candle Self-Esteem Spell
- pink candle
- rose quartz crystal
- mirror
Sit in front of a mirror with a lit pink candle and a rose quartz crystal in your left hand. Breathe deep to tap into your sense of imagination, creativity, and intuition. When you are focused, say the following: “I deserve the very best. I love myself. I am a good person. Every day, in every way, I feel better; I am getting better, I am better!” Repeat this until you are connected and aligned with self-love, confidence, and power.
Burn an Unhealthy Habit
- paper
- pen
- cauldron
- black candle
- sage
This spell is most effective when performed during the waning moon. On a piece of paper, write a habit you would like to release. With the flame of the black candle, burn the paper over a cauldron or something that is fireproof. As the paper burns, repeat the following affirmation 3 times: “I no longer want or need (tobacco, alcohol, etc) and release all attachment to it”. Drop the burning paper before you burn yourself – best to do this on a decent-sized piece of paper so you have enough time. Feel the attachment to the harmful habit dissolving within yourself as the paper burns. Do this every night, if necessary, until the new moon.
Final Thoughts
Take time for yourself at the end of every day to practice some form of self-care, no matter how small the task. Self-care is more than just facials and massages – self-care includes your emotional and spiritual well-being. Witchcraft and self-care go hand in hand because the universe’s energy can only help you if you are open and aligned. If your mind, body, and soul are blocked, your natural power can not break through and the universe can not connect with your frequency.