What Is a Spiritual Awakening And How to Have One
A spiritual awakening is a beautiful transformation that brings alignment with you and your higher consciousness. In this post, discover what a spiritual awakening is and 4 ways to reach enlightenment!

what is a “spiritual awakening”?
A spiritual awakening or spiritual enlightenment is a transformation of your soul and an eye-opening experience to the truth of yourself and the universe. It’s an elevated way of being that unlocks your higher consciousness to clarify all uncertainty in your life. Your higher consciousness or higher self is who you truly are instead of what others project onto you. Simply, a spiritual awakening is a fucking beautiful transformation that uncovers the truth of who you really are and just how powerful your connection with the universe is.
The best way to truly understand an awakening is actually going through one, so here are 4 ways to wake the fuck up!
4 ways to wake the fuck up
When I say solitude I mean complete and utter solitude! Just you. No one else and no technology. The thought of secluding yourself may seem scary at first but once you have conquered this fear you will unleash your true potential. To explain, solitude allows for self-discovery, peace, and connection as you are not surrounded by outside influences. Solitude allows you to be alone with your thoughts and although this seems scary, don’t be afraid. In order to awaken you have to battle with yourself; question your irrationalities and learn how to form your own opinions. Come to your own understanding of why things are the way they are or why things happen the way they do. Don’t think something is the way it is because someone you know says so… investigate yourself and come to form your own belief and opinion. Basically, the beginning of an awakening starts with learning about yourself and what you believe in.
Eventually, you will come to the conclusion that being alone isn’t so bad and you might enjoy it more than being around others…but don’t stop socializing, the goal is to wake the fuck up not be a fucking hermit.
Declutter everything in your life. Start by cleaning your space: your room, home, even your desk at work! Get rid of items that do not serve a positive purpose in your life and bring up negative emotions. In no way am I saying to become an intense minimalist because I would be a damn hypocrite…just tidy up and get rid of things you feel you do not need. After you have cleansed your physical space it is time to cleanse your inner space, your mind. Every day, take time to sit in silent solitude. Allow your thoughts to pass without judgment and clear your mind of mental clutter. Stop thinking of that stupid thing you said 5 years ago, it’s over and done with so live, learn, and let it the fuck go. Sort out everything in your mind and consciously choose to let go of thoughts and memories that do not serve some sort of positive purpose.
Learn how to extract the positive lesson in a negative situation and choose to keep that in mind…not the other way around. Basically, let go of shit that doesn’t make you a better person and move the fuck on.
Expand Your Mind
Explore new ideas and different beliefs. Read books, watch documentaries, and have conversations with people who have experienced different upbringings. Be open-minded to a greater way of thinking, seeing, and believing. Learn about the connections between you, nature, and energy. Don’t be afraid to learn new ideas because this will contribute to forming your own opinions on all different subjects. There isn’t only one way to exist on this earth, there are numerous revelations that are constantly being discovered that lead to a Divine way of being!
Explore life and all it has to offer…absorb all the beautiful ways to look at life!
Simply, affirmations are phrases you say out loud or think to yourself. In detail, affirmation defined means the act of affirming. Hence, when you say or think a phrase over and over again you are affirming that it is true. These phrases can be positive or negative. Obviously, negative affirmations make you feel shitty whereas positive affirmations make you feel amazing. For example, repeating “I am dumb” will make you feel sad whereas repeating “I am smart” will make you feel happy.
Why and How Affirmations Work
We are about to get real scientific in this explanation of why and how affirmations work so put your thinking cap on!
First and foremost, you must understand the bundle of neurons in your brain that carries important subconscious thoughts to your conscious mind. These neurons are your Reticular Activating System (RAS). This system filters out unnecessary information so that only the essentials make it to your conscious mind. Basically, your RAS delivers subconscious thoughts to your conscious mind. Therefore, the repetition of positive affirmations will train your RAS to filter through positivity as essential information.
Not only does the Reticular Activating System (RAS) filter essential information, it also seeks proof to validate that information. In other words, when you repeat a phrase, your RAS seeks out supporting evidence to connect to the original thought. For example, if you’re repeating “I am smart”, your RAS will recognize proof to validate that statement.
Affirmations to promote a spiritual awakening:
- I am one with the Divine
- I am vibrating at my highest frequency
- The universe guides me in the right direction
- I am love and light
- I am aligned with my higher self
Final Thoughts
An awakening occurs when you have learned something new; you literally wake up your mind from a dream or nightmare you are in. Keep in mind that everyone’s awakening is different. My awakening is unique to me because only I have experienced my past and present which has contributed to the way my thoughts work and what I ultimately believe in. I believe that I can spiritual as fuck while still enjoying the luxuries in life but you may not feel the same…and that is perfectly okay.
A spiritual awakening is unique and beautiful to you.
Herb K., author of Twelve Step Guide to Using the Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book, continues sharing his insights to the Twelve Steps by explaining the how and why, using his own experience along with traditional and universal spiritual wisdom. This book illuminates a path from the dark world of alcoholism and brokenness to a life of peace, purpose and fulfillment.
Spiritual Awakening Box Set Includes following 4 Books:
- Chakra Awakening: Guided Meditation To Awaken Your 7 Chakras, Third Eye Chakra, Attain Psychic Awareness & Clairvoyance. Enhance Intuition, Mind Power & Heal Your Body To Achieve Spiritual Healing.
- Third Eye Awakening: How To Awaken Your Third Eye Chakra, Increase Mind Power, Empath, Psychic Abilities, Intuition & Awareness Using Chakra Meditation & Self Healing.
- Kundalini Awakening: Awaken Kundalini Energy, Improve Psychic Abilities, Intuition, Higher Consciousness, Third Eye. Expand Mind Power, Heal Your Body Through Kundalini Yoga & Chakra Meditation.
- Kundalini Awakening: Guided Meditation To Develop Emotional Intelligence, Psychic Abilities, Awareness, Intuition, Awaken Third Eye Chakra & Chakra For Beginners. Activate Breathing & Healing Body.