My Spiritual Morning Routine
Let’s be real, most of the morning routines bloggers and vloggers share are crazy long and unrealistic…ain’t nobody got time for that! In this post, discover the PERFECT morning routine that will keep you balanced and positive no matter what the day brings!

Why the Morning is so Important
The morning is one of the most important times of the day and this time should be used doing things that are useful and will bring positivity into your life. Any activity you do first thing in the morning, before any other plans, tells your brain what thoughts, energies, and intentions it should be following throughout the day. For example, whenever you have a “bad” morning (like you lose your keys or wake up late), the negative thoughts, feelings, and intentions that morning had will usually follow you throughout the day and can be hard to shake off. This is why not only intending but also taking action to start the day “right” is so important! Here are 6 things you should do every morning to enlighten, align, and protect yourself and your spiritual energy!
Count your blessings
As soon as your eyes open and before your feet touch the ground, take a few minutes to breathe in gratitude for a new day; gratitude is the emotion of being thankful, showing appreciation, and returning kindness. I am sure you have read this in many morning routines and it’s no surprise why. When you practice gratitude at the very beginning of your day you are reprogramming your mind to focus on the positive rather than the negative. Gratitude is the most purely positive emotion you can feel as it embodies love, kindness, and abundance!
Being grateful is a beautiful, harmonious, and spiritual way to live as it attracts more and more love, happiness, and abundance into your life. When you are grateful it opens up your eyes and heart to acknowledge your blessings and in turn, you attract and manifest even more blessings to be grateful for! When you express gratitude first thing it sets the tone for the rest of the day so that alignment and positivity flow effortlessly your way. Always remember that being grateful makes you gorgeous so count your blessings bitch! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT GRATITUDE!!!
Get moving
I know we all hate getting up a little earlier than usual to work out but getting your body moving before you start your day allows you to connects with your breathe and find a sense of peace. Just to be clear, in no way am I saying you should wake up at 4 am and do a 2-hour workout session because I am first in line to say “fuck that shit”…if that’s your thing though, do what makes you happy; a 30-minute walk outside in the fresh air with nature will help you feel more aligned and connected with the universe…listen to an audiobook that is spiritually inspiring to motivate the rest of your day!
Here are some of my favorites:
Yoga is also a great way to get your body moving; yoga is a mental, physical, and spiritual exercise. This exercise consists of low-impact physical activity such as holding postures called asanas, breathing techniques called pranayama, and meditation. The goal of yoga is to achieve complete harmony and balance with your mind, body, and soul! Practice yoga for at least 10 minutes every morning to connect with yourself and the energy around you!
My favorite yoga apps
Yoga for Beginners | Mind+Body
This is by far my favorite app as it is perfect for beginners and quick sessions. It offers different sequences that focus on different areas of the body and types of relaxation. Hands down- best app for beginners!
Yoga for Beginners | Down Dog
This app is awesome as it focuses on following your breath during the session. This is a great app for beginners who would like to track and build their progress. Essentially, the more you practice the more levels and sessions you unlock.
Lotus | Yoga and Meditation
This app offers over 500 different sessions for different levels and time limitations. This is a great app for those who want to practice a new sequence regularly and expand their practice.
Meditation before starting your day is a MUST!! Meditation is a mental exercise that strengthens your awareness, mindfulness and higher consciousness. Typically, meditation is practiced to help deepen the understanding of life and its transcendent forces.
It is important to understand that meditation is NOT meant to clear your thoughts. In fact, it is the opposite. In order to meditate, you must focus and ponder on something. Think of the word meditation as a synonym for the word concentration. For example, in order to use mediation to attract a good day, you have to concentrate on feelings of gratitude, happiness, and peace. This helps you to align with your thoughts, energies, and intentions so that you’re able to better navigate your responses and reactions throughout the day. All it takes is 10 minutes of calm and focus to completely change the direction of your day! CLICK TO LEARN MORE ABOUT MEDITATION!
Contrary to popular belief, tarot cards can NOT tell you the future, anyone who claims they can is a damn liar! Instead, the cards present you with direction, awareness, and potential scenarios to help guide you in the right direction. To reiterate: you consult the cards for guidance NOT for fortune-telling! Each card symbolizes a person, place, or event connected to spiritual lessons you face in your life. Think of tarot as a way to connect with your higher self in order to guide you in the right direction. Basically, reading your cards is a way to tap into your own wisdom and intuition leading you to more powerful manifestations and positive changes.
At this point in the routine you’re already connected with yourself, the universe, and your higher consciousness so might as well pull a card and see what you should be focusing on today! CLICK TO LEARN MORE ABOUT TAROT!
Affirmations are phrases you say out loud or think to yourself; in detail, affirmation defined means the act of affirming. Hence, when you say or think a phrase over and over again you are affirming that it is true. These phrases can be positive or negative. Obviously, negative affirmations make you feel bad whereas positive affirmations make you feel amazing. For example, repeating “I am dumb” will make you feel sad whereas repeating “I am smart” will make you feel happy. CLICK TO LEARN MORE ABOUT AFFIRMATIONS!
Practicing affirmations before officially starting your day is a great way to hint to your brain that positive thoughts are EXTREMELY important and it should keep producing more throughout the day!
Morning affirmations
Today is a great day and new opportunities will present themselves.
I am excited for all the new experiences this day will bring.
I am grateful for all I have and all that is coming to me.
I am kind and treat others with respect,
I am love and light and I spread happiness everywhere I go.
Final Thoughts
Okay, I know you’re probably thinking that this is NOT a short morning routine BUT IT IS!!! Think about it this way; gratitude takes 2 minutes, walking takes 30, yoga takes 10, meditation takes 10, tarot takes 3, affirmations take 5…that is 60 minutes, an hour is all it takes to take care of yourself and protect your energy!
1 Comment
June 13, 2024 at 4:06 pmTHis is exactly what I have been looking for, thank you so much for sharing. It made me giggle with your fun comments about tarot reading. I do one every morning as well, and it tells me to switch up my routine. I have been looking for one for a while now. I’m so glad I came apon yours!
thanks again.