How to Heal From Emotional Trauma
We all carry emotional baggage so it is nothing to be ashamed of but it is something you need to heal from. Emotional healing is a long journey but with the use of letting go, meditation, and positive thinking that journey will be a little easier to endure. It is time to say “fuck this” and make the choice to rise from the ashes!
Emotional Healing
If you are reading this, you are most likely on the path of emotional healing and need some sort of guidance or hope that healing is in fact achievable. Healing is achievable it just takes patience and persistence. Healing requires lots of conscious effort and you must be ready to push yourself and stay focused BUT it is possible!
I, personally, have endured multiple life-altering traumas and suffered greatly from depression. It took years to heal from the trauma and I am so grateful that I made it out of the dark place I was in for so long. Therefore, I understand what it feels like to be in your shoes and I have insight as to how to escape the dark place.
Start your journey
First and foremost, wanting to escape the cave of the emotional state you are currently in is the first step in the right direction. You must have the desire to move on. If you say you want to heal and be happy yet do nothing to make a positive change then you surely do not have the desire. Only you can decide to go on this journey. With the use of letting go, meditation, and positive thinking this quest will be much more successful.
Letting Go
Letting go starts when you decide to take that first step out. Letting go means realizing that the hurt you are suffering from is not helping you in any way to move forward in life. It is understanding that the baggage you hold is holding you back. Letting go is choosing to leave behind what is hurting you, taking the lesson from it, and moving on. This isn’t an easy task so I will not pretend it is…it takes time and patience so keep at it.
When you leave behind the emotional state you are enduring think about how you want to leave it. Have you made peace or forgiven the situation and all involved? Or, have you come to realize that the negative emotions are not benefiting your body and life? It is important to understand how and why you are leaving your baggage behind as it helps with the healing process.
When I was going through this process I used a visualization technique to help me with letting go. I would sit outside and envision the wind taking away all the hurt and pain. This was how I was able to rid myself of shitty emotions.
Do what you need to do to let go. If you need to confront someone, then do it. Get the closure you need as it is different for everyone.
With the use of meditation, your higher consciousness sends you important messages that relate to the path you need to take in order to heal. During meditation, your mind brings up thoughts that you may not be able to consciously think of otherwise. These thoughts and realizations are vital to your healing journey as they lay out the path you need to take in order to heal. Simply, mediation can bring about amazing awareness of the obstacles you are facing and how to overcome them.
A wonderful healing meditation that I use regularly involves visualization of a healing white light filling your body, as that white light moves imagine it pushing out all negative emotions.
Positive Thinking
Positive thinking is vital when going through the healing process, it gives you the motivation to keep on moving. Keep your thoughts and feelings positive and your journey will come to an end swiftly. Remind yourself that you are stronger than you realize and you will get through this!
Think about it this way, how can you heal and move on if you are constantly telling yourself you can’t? Stop self-doubting and telling yourself you can never move forward! Every time those fucked up thoughts pop in your head nip them in the bud and replace them with a positive one.
Affirmations are a wonderful way to change your mindset!
Final Thoughts
Remember that this journey is not an easy one. There will be days when you want to give up or go back to that emotional cave (depression, hurt, sadness, etc) but you have to stay strong and keep moving. Some days will be harder than others but I promise, you will find your way out of that dark cave. Even when you are out you must continue to meditate and practice positive thinking so that you do not retreat back into that cave that you worked so hard to get out of.
Healing from trauma is difficult, trust me I know. I also know that healing from trauma is entirely possible. You’ve got this. ♥️