Beginner’s Guide to Marijuana and Spirituality
Cannabis is the most INCREDIBLE plant that mother earth could have ever given us. It can supply us with food, clothing, medicine, a good time, and so much more! Marijuana and spirituality go WAY back as this little gift from the universe has the power to expand our minds and motivate a new perspective on life. In this post, discover the long history of Marijuana and spirituality along with 4 beginner-friendly spiritual activities to do while you are high as a kite!

DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed health care professional and am only sharing MY personal experiences. Not all people are created equal and you should do what is best for YOU.
What is Marijuana?
Before we get into marijuana and spirituality, let’s take a moment to truly understand who she is and where she comes from…yes, marijuana is feminine because she embodies the free spirit, mind expansion, and beauty of the Divine. The Cannabis Sativa plant is AMAZINGLY INCREDIBLE because it has the ability to contribute to many areas of our lives for a cleaner way of living. Hemp is a part of the Cannabis Sativa plant that contains 0.3 percent or less THC and with this, you can make food, clothing, paper, and so much more!
The more well-known part of this plant is called Marijuana, which contains substantial amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the psychoactive chemical in Marijuana that has a mind-altering effect or what most people know as, getting stoned. There is SOOO much more science about Marijuana and Cannabis Sativa so be sure to do your research before you get involved with Miss Mary Jane.
Marijuana and Spirituality
Marijuana and spirituality have a VERY long history so I will briefly go over the early points of its spiritual/religious timeline to give you an idea of how long this herb has been around. The first documented case was in 2800 BCE, it was listed in Emperor Shen Nung’s (regarded as the father of Chinese medicine) pharmacopeia and it is noted that he said, “If taken over a long term, it makes one communicate with spirits and lightens one’s body”. In 2000-1000 BCE, Hindu religious texts described cannabis as a “source of happiness”, “joy-giver”, and “bringer of freedom”; cannabis was smoked at daily devotional services and religious rituals. In 1450 BCE, the book of Exodus references holy anointing oil made from Cannabis. In 900-801 BCE, it is believed that Scythians held religious ceremonies in tent-like structures where they burned hemp plants and inhaled the smoke for ritualistic and euphoric purposes.
This plant has been used for centuries because of its mind-altering effects which are believed to have the ability to reach and unlock parts of your mind that prevent you from experiencing life at its fullest potential. The combination of THC and several cannabinoids in Mary Jane stimulate a pleasant euphoria, a sense of relaxation, heightened sensory perception (e.g., brighter colors), laughter, altered perception of time, and creativity…all of which play a huge part in your spiritual journey!
3 Activities I Like to Do While High
Simply, meditation is a mental exercise that strengthens your awareness, mindfulness, and higher consciousness. Typically, meditation is practiced to help deepen the understanding of life and its transcendent forces. CLICK TO LEARN MORE ABOUT MEDITATION!
Meditating while high is LIFE CHANGING…it can completely change your perspective and because of its calming effects, it is much easier to slow your mind which is an issue for many of us in this chaotic-ass world. Also, since marijuana is mind-altering, it has the potential to deepen your meditation, expand your mind, and encourage a metaphysical experience with different energy planes and frequencies.
Finding the right strain is important because you want something that will be mind-opening (Sativa) yet have a mild body high (Indica)…essentially, a Sativa dominant hybrid is ideal for a baked meditation.
First and foremost, yoga is a mental, physical, and spiritual exercise. This exercise consists of low-impact physical activity such as holding postures called asanas, breathing techniques called pranayama, and meditation. The goal of yoga is to achieve complete harmony and balance with your mind, body, and soul. CLICK TO LEARN MORE ABOUT YOGA!
A good yoga session while you’re high, feels absolutely AMAZING! Since your muscles are relaxed and pain is relieved, you have a better shot at accomplishing a variety of challenging yoga poses. She has a way of unblocking and inspiring your higher consciousness in order to achieve complete harmony within yourself (mind), the physical (body), and the universe (soul). This mind-body-soul connection is vital in yoga because you must trust yourself while staying strong yet remaining relaxed; weed makes this connection click with ease and enhances the benefits of yoga.
A good type of strain for yoga is an Indica dominant hybrid because you want a more prominent body high (Indica) yet you still want to remain mindful and aware (Sativa) as focusing on your breath-body connection is essential.
Yes, weed can make reading enjoyable! One of my favorite self-care activities is smoking a nice joint and reading a good book; spiritual-based books are much easier to understand and grasp because your mind is more receptive to new ideas. I also love reading fun books… right now I am reading the Harry Potter series and I swear I can see the books playing out in my head! Just trust me, getting stoned before reading will transform how you feel about books; the devil’s lettuce can make ANYTHING better!
A Sativa strain is PERFECT for this activity because you want a heavier head high that sparks your creativity and imagination so that the words flow to you with ease.
A nice deep sleep is something ALL of us need from time to time and marijuana makes that effortless! This activity is most commonly associated with good old ganja. Smoking a nice bowl, or two is the best way to end a LONG day as it will make your body feel like it’s sinking into your bed (in a good way) and encourage your mind to completely forget about everything and just sleep. When I say sleep, I mean SLEEP… like you’re knocked out and the sleep is so deep that you barely move. Besides deep sleep, it can also open a portal for your spirit guides to send you messages and wisdom through your dreams.
The best strain type for this is Indica as Indica makes you VERY sleepy VERY fast AND it tends to give a mild coma-type experience (in a good way) which promotes interactions with a higher energy field.
Final Thoughts
Full disclosure, I was high while writing this post…just like most of my posts. Marijuana is highly misjudged and associated with lazy people BUT most don’t understand that marijuana is actually an incredible medicine that can transform your outlook on life and encourage a spiritual transformation when used responsibly and with a purpose. Not all potheads are created equal…most of us are those that you would least expect.