How to Manifest with Moon Magick
Many people don’t know that the moon’s energy plays a major role in their emotions, energy frequency, and life’s journey! In this post, learn how to use the moon’s phase and energy to your advantage in order to reach your goals and manifest your desires FAST!!

Intro to Moon Magick
In many cultures throughout the years, it is believed that practicing rituals during different phases of the moon can bring about enormous change, this is called ‘moon magick’. This is because Lunar (moon) energy represents feminine energy as does our own intuitive energy. As a result, when we connect and align these two energies we are able to open a pathway for powerful manifestations to occur with ease.
The Phases of the Moon
New Moon
This is the start of the moon cycle. During this time, the moon is not visible as the sun is shining on the side of the moon that we can’t see from Earth.
The new moon represents new beginnings and renewal which makes it the perfect time for intention setting. During this phase, it is also a good idea to give yourself an energy cleansing so that you can reset and refresh yourself for the upcoming moon cycle.

Waxing Crescent Moon
The next phase is waxing crescent. During this time, there is a tiny sliver of the right side of the moon visible to the eye.
During a waxing crescent, you should be creating a plan of action for the intentions you have set during the new moon. The crescent moon attracts inspirational energy to help set forth your intentions. During this time, align yourself with your intentions so that manifestation can occur with ease.

First Quarter Moon
The next phase is the first quarter. During this time, you are able to see the right half of the moon.
During the first quarter, the energy the moon emits brings forth the perfect time to begin taking action on your intention. At this point in the cycle, the feelings of strength, determination, and commitment are strong. This is a wonderful time to ground yourself so that you remain aligned and balanced with action taking.

Waxing Gibbous Moon
The next phase is waxing gibbous. During this time, you are almost able to see the moon fully.
During this phase, manifestation energy is strong so continue taking action on your intention to keep that momentum going. Also, this is an excellent time to practice creative visualization to create an even stronger momentum! Get into alignment with what you are trying to manifest in preparation for the full moon.

Full Moon
Next, the strongest phase of them all, the full moon. During this time, you can see the moon in ALL its beauty!
The full moon energy is strong so be prepared for a little more intensity in all areas of life. This is a good time to amplify manifestation by acknowledging and being grateful for what has manifested thus far.

Waning Gibbous Moon
After the full moon is the disseminating moon. During this time, the right side of the moon starts the disappear.
At this time, reflect and let go of any negativity surrounding your intention whether it comes from you or another person. After you have let go, you will see positivity surrounding your intention flow in.

Last Quarter Moon
The next phase is the last quarter. During this time, you are able to see the left half of the moon.
During this time, simply receive. Continue to take action on your intention but don’t overdo it as now is the time for receiving and relaxation. Trust that the universe is in perfect alignment and practice self-care as you have emitted lots of energy throughout the cycle.

Waning Cresent Moon
The last phase before a new cycle starts is balsamic or waning crescent. During this time, a tiny sliver of the left side of the moon is visible.
With this last phase, energy is soft so take this time to rest even more and reflect. It is important to take this time to prepare for the next cycle and the next intention that will soon be in motion.

Final Thoughts
Using moon magick is a simple yet powerful way to manifest your desires. I use an app called ‘Moon Calendar‘ to help me keep track of the moon phases and I highly recommend it!