5 POWERFUL Crystals for Self-Love
Crystals are a powerful energy source that can aid your overall well-being and promote self-improvement! Use crystals for your self-love journey to unlock abundant and unconditional love for yourself!

What is self-love?
Self-love is treating yourself in a way that does not involve harshly judging or punishing yourself for every mistake you make. It is having a high regard for your own happiness and well-being. It is taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others. Simply, self-love is not settling for anything less than you deserve.
Studies show that self-love reduces anxiety and depression while promoting optimism. As well as, better recovery from stress and discipline for healthy self-improvement.
Having genuine self-love is the MOST important thing to have in order to live a successful, happy, and abundant life because you are filled with genuine positivity that YOU are in complete control of! When you love yourself, you make sure to take proper care of yourself in EVERY aspect of your life: physically, emotionally, and mentally. There tends to be a negative connotation behind loving yourself unconditionally as some people consider it selfish to put yourself first – DO NOT LISTEN TO THOSE PEOPLE!!! Self-love is NOT selfish!!! How can you possibly care and love others if you can’t care for and love yourself?…that’s right, you CAN’T! Remember, you can only give your best to others if you give your best to yourself first! Also, what many people forget is that when you are in a healthy relationship with yourself, you want to help and give to others because you are overflowing with love and light!
What are healing crystals?
To some, crystals are just beautiful rocks and stones to look at or decorate with. However, what many people don’t know is that they carry powerful energy and when used correctly can aid your spiritual and overall well-being in the utmost positive way.
How do crystals work?
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” – Albert Einstein
It is important to understand that everything is made up of energy, just as Albert Einstein said. Healing crystals embody the elements of the Earth and the universe. They harness the energy of the Sun, the Moon, and the oceans. Therefore, these incredible stones connect us with the powerful energy of the earth and all its elements. In other words, they carry the energy of the universe because they are tangible, physical forms that contain powerful vibrations. As a result, when you connect with healing crystals and stones you are allowing their special energy to transfer into you.
Since every crystal holds a different healing vibration, you can choose what type of energy you need more of and use the crystal as a direct source of it. For example, if I felt disconnected I would keep around or meditate with smokey quartz because it holds grounding and stabilizing type energy. If I felt broke as shit I would keep around or meditate with pyrite because it holds abundance and good luck type energy. Make sense?
Crystals for Self-Love
Crystals can promote and get you on the same energy frequency as self-love…you just need the right crystal! Crystals are easy to use and work with, all you have to do is hold your chosen crystal and let its energy connect with you. Of course, there are other ways to work with crystals such as chakra crystal healing which simply means placing the crystal on the corresponding chakra and meditating to connect on a deeper level. Another way is to simply keep the crystal in your pocket or if you’re like me, in your bra! Having a crystal near you can COMPLETELY shift the energy frequency that surrounds you! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT CRYSTAL MEDITATION AND HEALING!
So, without further ado, here are the 5 most POWERFUL crystals for self-love!
Rose Quartz
This is a very popular crystal and SUPER easy to get your hands on! Rose quartz is known as the stone of unconditional self-love and vibrates a frequency of pure love and healing for yourself and others! This crystal resonates with the heart chakra.
Rhodonite intervenes with patterns of self-destruction in order to promote self-love, self-healing, and clearing of emotional pain. This crystal corresponds with the heart and root chakras.
This crystal promotes self-awareness, self-forgiveness, and setting boundaries which are essential for achieving true self-love. Amazonite resonates with heart and throat chakras.
This crystal is perfect for building self-confidence and self-esteem as it resonates with the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra is where your confidence emanates from so keeping this chakra open is EXTREMELY powerful in the healing process!
Amethyst is the PERFECT crystal to help you connect with your higher self and the divine which promotes spiritual self-love. Spiritual self-love is the highest level of self-love you can achieve – this is the goal! This crystal corresponds with the third eye and crown chakras.
Final Thoughts
Use crystals for every step of your self-love journey and remember to be patient with yourself along the way!