4 Tarot Spreads for Self Love
Feeling lost and unsure of yourself is never fun and the feeling of remaining stuck in the darkness is harrowing. Tarot is an incredibly insightful divination tool for Divine advice and guidance to help you align with your most authentic life path. In this post, discover 6 insightful tarot spreads for self-love!

What is Tarot?
Tarot is a deck of 78 cards, each with its own image, symbol, and story. Tarot cards open a line of communication with the divine or your higher self to deliver advice or help solve a problem.
How Does Tarot Work?
Contrary to popular belief, tarot cards can NOT tell you the future, anyone who claims they can is a damn liar! Instead, the cards present you with direction, awareness, and potential scenarios to help guide you in the right direction. To reiterate: you consult the cards for guidance NOT for fortune-telling!
Each card symbolizes a person, place, or event connected to spiritual lessons you face in your life. Think of tarot as a way to connect with your higher self to guide you in the right direction. Reading your cards is a way to tap into your wisdom and intuition leading you to more powerful manifestations and positive changes.
Connecting With Your Cards
When choosing a deck of cards it is important to listen to your intuition. Each deck carries different energy, so you need to remember that you and your cards must align to get clear and concise readings. You need to feel a connection to your cards. Let your energy flow through the cards and the card’s energy flow through you. A connection with your cards is important as the cards are a connection to your subconscious mind or higher self. You will know a deck is right for you when calm overflows your body as you hold it.
Using Your Tarot Cards
The first step is to shuffle or ‘clear’ your deck. As you clear your Tarot deck focus on your intention or question and visualize a powerful connection between you, your cards, and your higher self. Take your time to complete this step as it is important to tap into this connection.
Once you feel confident in the connection you have developed, spread out your cards face down and choose the appropriate number of cards for the spread you are using; or cut the deck and choose the 3 cards on top.
What is Self-Love?
Self-love is treating yourself in a way that does not involve harshly judging or punishing yourself for every mistake you make. It is having a high regard for your happiness and well-being. It is taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others. Simply, self-love is not settling for anything less than you deserve.
Studies show that self-love reduces anxiety and depression while promoting optimism. As well as, better recovery from stress and discipline for healthy self-improvement.
There tends to be a negative connotation behind loving yourself unconditionally as some people consider it selfish to put yourself first – DO NOT LISTEN TO THOSE PEOPLE!!! Self-love is NOT selfish!!! How can you possibly care and love others if you can’t care for and love yourself?…that’s right, you CAN’T! Remember, you can only give your best to others if you give your best to yourself first! Also, what many people forget is that when you are in a healthy relationship with yourself, you want to help and give to others because you are overflowing with love and light!
Having genuine self-love is the MOST important thing to have to live a successful, happy, and abundant life because YOU are in complete control of it! When you love yourself, you make sure to take proper care of yourself in EVERY aspect of your life: physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Tarot and Self-Love
Connecting with yourself is easier said than done so using Tarot as a way to gain insights into your inner thoughts, emotions, and intentions is a great way to fall in love with YOURSELF!
Spread 1: Fall in Love With You
Card 1: What your heart needs from you at this moment
Card 2: How you can show yourself more compassion
Card 3: Where you relying too much on others to feel loved
Card 4: What daily self-care practice you should incorporate in your routine
Spread 2: Connect With Your True Self
Card 1: How you see yourself
Card 2: Who you truly are
Card 3: What is blocking you from genuinely loving yourself
Card 4: How you can bridge the gap
Spread 3: Reflection
Card 1: What you are focusing too much on
Card 2: What you need to focus more on
Card 3: How you can support yourself right now
Spead 4: Self-Care
Card 1: What part of yourself needs love and attention
Card 2: Why you have neglected this part of yourself
Card 3: How you can appreciate this part of yourself
Final Thoughts
Remember that self-love is a lifelong journey that requires consistent work and patience. Life is a never-ending cycle of growing, learning, and evolving. Connecting with your spirit guides through tarot to help you on this journey makes it a little easier to navigate and stay centered.