10 Habits to Start in 2023
Happy New Year! Start 2023 strong with new habits that will improve your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being! The only person that can improve you is YOU…make 2023 your best year yet!

New Year, New Me
Most of us connect the new year with a fresh start so forming new habits feels natural and the energy to make changes feels right. The best way to develop new habits is to jump in and go for it! This year, make major improvements to live your best life and achieve your ultimate goals!
1. Practice Gratitude
Gratitude is the emotion of being thankful, showing appreciation, and returning kindness. Being grateful is a beautiful and harmonious way to live as it attracts more love, happiness, and abundance into your life. When you are grateful it opens up your eyes and heart to acknowledge your blessings.
2. Nourish your Body
Your physical well-being is extremely important to take care of! Simply, eat healthily and exercise daily to show your body some much-needed TLC. I know some of you are rolling your eyes so let me explain why this is important. Your body loves you so much…you can literally keep it running with bad food, stress, no sleep, etc. and it will work overtime to keep you alive and kicking. It is so important to show your body that you appreciate all it does and give it love by cleaning up your diet and keeping active.
3. Meditate
Simply, meditation is a mental exercise that strengthens your awareness, mindfulness, and higher consciousness. Typically, meditation is practiced to help deepen the understanding of life and its transcendent forces. Meditation can also be practiced to reduce stress, relieve anxiety, and improve emotional well-being. Regular practice of meditation has been scientifically proven to reduce age-related memory loss, help fight addictions, improve sleep, help control pain, and decrease blood pressure. Since meditation improves your overall well-being, it also improves the quality of your thoughts! Meditate daily so that you are always at peace and positive! CLICK HERE FOR MORE ON MEDITATION!
4. Practice Yoga
First and foremost, yoga is a mental, physical, and spiritual exercise. This exercise consists of low-impact physical activity such as holding postures called asanas, breathing techniques called pranayama, and meditation. The goal of yoga is to achieve complete harmony and balance with your mind, body, and soul. Yoga has been proven to significantly reduce and/or relieve anxiety, depression, and stress. 10 minutes a day is all it takes to reap the incredible benefits of this relaxing exercise!
My Favorite Yoga Apps
Yoga For Beginners | Mind+Body | This is by far my favorite app as it is perfect for beginners and quick sessions. It offers different sequences that focus on different areas of the body and types of relaxation. Hands down- best app for beginners!
Yoga For Beginners | Down Dog | This app is awesome as it focuses on following your breath during the session. This is a great app for beginners who would like to track and build their progress. Essentially, the more you practice the more levels and sessions you unlock.
Lotus | Yoga And Meditation | This app offers over 500 different sessions for different levels and time limitations. This is a great app for those who want to practice a new sequence regularly and expand their practice.
5. Journal
Journaling is a wonderful way to reduce, manage, and cope with anxiety, depression, and/or stress. It can also help you gain clarity on a problem, fear, and/or concern. Keeping a mood and health journal allows you to track triggers and symptoms. It can also help identify negative habits that need personal improvement as journaling promotes self-reflection.
Most of the time, the negative thoughts and emotions we have don’t really have any meaning…it’s just the anger and frustration coming out in an unhealthy way because we can’t express our unfiltered thoughts using a healthy outlet. When you are able to unload your unfiltered thoughts you can then release the negativity that is festering within you. All in all, journaling is a great way to take control of your thoughts, emotions, and intentions because it allows you to unload ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING going on in your head! CLICK HERE FOR MORE ON JOURNALING!
6. Set and Maintain Boundaries
Setting boundaries is something that is very personal and unique to everyone…my boundaries will not be the same as yours, so understanding your boundaries is important because this will set the tone of what you will allow in your life! In order to start setting boundaries, you must first come to understand what YOU feel is toxic for YOUR mental health and overall well-being, then set a limit of just how far you’re able to go (not only with yourself but with others), and lastly, stick true to that boundary and don’t move that line for ANYONE!! When you set and stick to a boundary you are showing yourself self-love, self-respect, and self-worth…just remember, it is okay to say no and put yourself first!
7. Daily Self-Care
In order to live a beautiful stress-free life filled with happiness and love, you have to love and care for yourself. If you are someone who puts others first, you have to get in the habit of putting yourself first from time to time. It is awesome to be selfless but how can you give your best to others if you can’t even give the best to yourself? That’s right…you can’t! In order to give your best to others, you have to give the best to yourself; you must keep your ENTIRE being healthy and balanced! Your entire being means your physical body, your spiritual body, your emotions, your mind, your social life, and your sensory wellness; ALL these areas need to be shown love and care in order for them to communicate, connect, and function positively with each other!
8. Challenge Yourself
The number one thing that stops people from achieving their goals and dreams is the fear of failing. The fear of failing is simply being scared of something hard and/or unknown. Do you think people who became successful let the fear stop them?… HELL NO! People who are successful are NOT scared to do things that challenge their skills and abilities; if they were, they wouldn’t be successful. For example, learn a trade, skill, or subject that is the complete opposite of your current field; or make it a goal to double your income for the following month. Challenge yourself on a daily basis and every day step up the challenge even more!
9. Expand Your Knowledge
It doesn’t matter what you learn just as long as you fill your brain with as much knowledge as you can. There are always new thoughts, ideas, and facts coming around so you should ALWAYS be able to learn something new. The point is to keep your mind working so that you remain sharp….and who knows, maybe that random subject you learn will come in handy later on.
10. Try New Things
There are always new experiences, cuisines, style choices, etc popping up so take advantage of them! Don’t ever get too comfortable in your way of being – it is okay and encouraged to get out of your comfort zone. You can never be and stay successful if you don’t evolve! Don’t be scared to push your boundaries as that is the only way you will ever succeed in life. No one who is successful got that way without taking risks – BIG risks. Push yourself in all areas of your life personal, professional, spiritual, and emotional.
Final Thoughts
The key to implementing a new habit is to be consistent…all of these habits take little time and effort so don’t make any excuses and just get it done! The only person that can improve you is YOU…make 2023 your best year yet!